
confirmed bachelor in a sentence

1) Murphy was a confirmed bachelor, leading to speculation about his personal life.

2) Today "Hualewjonken" is a get-together of confirmed bachelors below the age of 30.

bachelor collocations
3) Its a song that would get even the most confirmed bachelor to start thinking about marriage.

4) For most of his adult life, Mr. Foerster seemed the archetype of the confirmed bachelor.

confirmed bachelor example sentences

5) Other examples are being a 'lover of musical theatre' or a 'confirmed bachelor'.

6) He socialized with very few women and was considered to be a confirmed bachelor by his family.

7) I am a single man without children, and I think you will find many confirmed bachelors share my view.

8) Paul was a long standing, confirmed bachelor, a status which he felt that the Spirit established for him.

9) Because miracle of miracles, notoriously confirmed bachelor George Clooney became engaged to Amal Alamuddin, a lawyer based in London.

10) A confirmed bachelor, veteran of the Great War and Jack-of-all-Trades in the rough country of Western Australia, he is free to live the rest of his life in peace.

11) This peak, a pilgrim centre of the Hindus, according to tradition was home to the great sage Agastya, who was a confirmed bachelor.

12) T he world woke up to the shocking news of famously confirmed bachelor George Clooney's engagement to a stunning 36-year-old attorney.

13) As Uncle Charles aged (he was also a confirmed bachelor), my grandmother took care of him as though he were her actual brother.

14) My Poppy, a confirmed bachelor, was madly, deeply and truly in love with my grandmother in the way you see in movies.

example sentences with bachelor

15) This fine actor, whose appearances on the stage are all too infrequent, is well suited to the part of CS Lewis, committed Christian and seemingly confirmed bachelor.

16) (The experience left him a "confirmed bachelor.

17) He's a confirmed bachelor.'

18) 'He was thirty-eight, and a confirmed bachelor, or so everyone thought.

19) "Prof" (real name "Algernon"), a confirmed bachelor with an overbearing mother.

20) founder and general chairman of the Pickwick Club; a retired businessman and confirmed bachelor, with bald head and circular spectacles, dressed in old-fashioned tights and gaiters.

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