
chronic back in a sentence

1) His mobility was limited by chronic back problems.

2) What are examples of chronic back pain?

back collocations
3) Often he suffered from chronic back pain.

4) Use of medications in chronic back pain is controversial.

chronic back example sentences

5) There is no magic formula for chronic back pain.

6) Do you understand your chronic back pain?

7) My mom has chronic back pain and uses the nerve oil.

8) Relief without surgery for chronic back pain and other related conditions.

9) Great for those who suffer from chronic back pains.

10) The new PA will handle both acute and chronic back problems.

11) chronic back pain caused Gowdy to miss the entire season.

12) Are you seeing a lot of people with chronic back pain?

13) It causes chronic back pain and leads to stiffness of the spine.

14) Abnormal curves can be a cause of chronic back pain.

example sentences with back

15) Exercise plays a very beneficial role in relieving chronic back pain, however.

16) It's often prescribed for cancer patients or those with chronic back pain.

17) Why the disparity, and why should those with chronic back pain care?

18) chronic back pain forced Nieuwendyk's retirement as a player in 2006.

19) chronic back pain is then deemed intractable and surgery for spinal stenosis seems inevitable.

20) It has been speculated that chronic back pain is a leading cause of depression.

21) chronic back pain reduced brain size by 5-11% in some sufferers.

22) Due to chronic back problems, he retired as a player in 1992.

23) This process happens over time, such is the nature of chronic back pain.

24) In 1989 chronic back problems forced Littleton to retire from working in hot glass.

25) chronic back pain forced Mike Bossy to retire after the 1986–87 season.

26) Vertebral fractures also can have serious consequences, including chronic back pain and disability.

27) If back pain persists for over 3 months, it is considered chronic back pain.

How to use back in a sentence

28) This, if allowed to continue, would cause chronic back pain in later life.

29) His sudden retirement has been attributed to a "combination of homesickness and chronic back pain.

30) chronic back pain usually needs a number of sessions to be able to relengthen enough tissue.

31) But chronic back problems exist when your tilts are formed in the shape of hard fascia.

32) People with chronic back pain cannot usually get up in any other way.

33) Christiane didn't choose to have chronic back pain, but she did choose UPMC.

34) Do you have chronic back pain and a lot of tightness, especially low back pain?

35) British scientists have invented a jab that could ease chronic back pain for millions of sufferers.

36) He copes with hypertension, depression, gout, a heart defect and chronic back problems.

37) It did not happen, as chronic back pain forced Nieuwendyk's retirement in December 2006.

38) The Active back Programme treats patients with chronic back pain who have not responded to treatment.

39) Lou starts taking painkillers to ease his chronic back pain and he slowly becomes addicted to them.

40) In her later life she published little, largely due to chronic back pain and chronic fatigue syndrome.

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