
bonny baby in a sentence

1) Isn't she a bonny baby now, Miss Rose?

2) The product was sold under the slogan "Glaxo builds bonny babies" from 1908.

baby collocations
3) Their love grew stronger by the day and then Maisie was born, a healthy, bonny baby.

4) The club also held a puck fada and cic fada competition, a bonny baby competition, penalty competition.

bonny baby example sentences

5) At some time during my second afternoon at the centre, a bonny baby competition was held, but I missed it all in a blur of Mickeys.

6) On the Sunday itself there was also a puck fada and cic fada competition, a bonny baby competition, penalty competition, a fun run event and tug of war.

7) Today it is the turn of the youngest members of the community to get into the picture, when a bonny baby Contest is held at the Youth Centre.

8) I would love to see HRH the Duchess of Cambridge enjoying the autumn sunshine, ideally showing off her bonny baby in a variety of British brands as often as possible.

9) Laura Tenison, its founder and managing director, says: "The Christening of Prince George is a great opportunity for the country and world to catch a glimpse of the bonny baby.

10) In association with Farley's, Boots is looking for the bonniest baby up to the age of months, and the Best Girl and Best Boy up to the age of five.

11) Noon - 5pm arts and crafts display, Millview Centre, displays and sale, noon - 5pm Town Hall, bonny baby competition, town hall green, 3pm.

12) The search is on for our baby of the Year THE search is on to find Worcestershire's bonniest baby in this year's Worcester News baby of the Year competition.

13) 'Now there's a bonny baby, and the boy's a handsome little chap.

14) A FURIOUS father crippled his ex-lover after she entered their son in a bonny baby contest in her name and not his.

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