
bent back in a sentence

1) The defensive line had been bent back not broken.

2) Some of them got bent back and actually cracked pins.

back collocations
3) Salem bent back to his task – his bag becoming a little heavier.

4) On Antiphon Island they lowered the bar and we bent back.

bent back example sentences

5) Michelangelo suggested that the missing right arms were originally bent back over the shoulder.

6) Thanks to its slightly bent back, it sits perfectly in your hand.

7) It can be bent back to its original shape if damaged, Utility said.

8) For two streets he shuffled along with a bent back and an uncertain foot.

9) Then slowly, with bent back the old man hobbled past them and was gone.

10) The 13 -inch (33-centimetre) screen seems gargantuan when bent back in tablet mode.

11) Many users have their hands bent back far too much, and their elbows too much rearward.

12) There they go, to the day's work, with their heads bent back.

13) Resembling a Greek omega, it is actually two "Ls" bent back to back.

14) Turning the warm soil, planting in the spring, dirty hands and bent backs but clean souls.

example sentences with back

15) The people were bent into one shape over 40 years and they have to be bent back.

16) Once bent away, it couldn't be bent back and the rib transfer carriage wouldn't transfer.

17) The storm then turned towards the south, and ultimately completed a cyclonic loop as it bent back westward.

18) Dismas pushed through the crowds, his head visible above the bent backs of patrons looking for their evening meal.

19) In some cases the raised foot was bent back towards the bow, although it did not touch the bow.

20) A bow is a string that goes from side to side and keeps the edges of your kite bent back.

21) American white pelicans fly in flocks in a long line, with their necks necks bent back over their bodies.

22) Then all their toes except the big one were folded down, and the arch of the foot bent back.

23) It has distinctive orange flowers with six bent back petals, upon which are black markings, reminiscent of tiger markings.

24) In no time at all, the book was dog-eared, crusty, bent back, spine cracked and totally disgusting.

25) He ducked into one of the caves and I followed his bent back and the torchlight in the chill and damp.

26) It was found lying on its right side, showing a typical death pose with the neck bent back over the torso.

27) It was a poor old woman with bent back and white hair, and a countenance that was furrowed by many sorrows.

How to use back in a sentence

28) Flexible videoscope tips may be bent back and forth using a control in the handpiece, which allows changes to view angle.

29) Soon, the Russian left wing was bent back at an acute angle and Bennigsen's army was in danger of collapse.

30) On the right, opposite Reding's militias and Swiss regulars, a fierce and desperate attack bent back the Spanish line.

31) I bent back one of the edges of the angle so that I could slightly over bend the flange and allow it to reflex back to 90 degrees.

32) Then the corridor bent to the side to accommodate four enclosed double bedrooms and bent back again through the centre of open seating with sleeping curtains, called sections.

33) Pepita bent back down to her work and checked off another crate of bananas that would be shipped to lands she had never seen and would never see.

34) The boy fought wildly for a few seconds but then his right arm was bent back behind him until he called out in the most desperate agony he had ever known.

35) I fear they would be quite compromised." Suiting deed to word, he bent back over his notes and continued to write rapidly.

36) All along the Great Edge, from the Castle Rock northwards, they had worked in the sun, with bent backs and aching arms.

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