
bend back in a sentence

1) Her twisted legs are shrunken and her back is bent .

2) Do not bend the back and do not sway.

back collocations
3) Ellen Jebeau's back was bent, her head thrust out.

4) backs bent against the gusts, they tirelessly scratch at the ground with primitive tools.

bend back example sentences

5) Often, kyphosis is easier to see when the back is bent this way.

6) Now take the seat with both hands and put your legs, without bending the back.

7) The wrestler pulls down with both arms while pushing up with the knees to bend the opponent's back.

8) His back was bent over his guitar, his lower lip sucked in and his brows furrowed in concentration.

9) This is like Rav established the Mishnah in Bechoros, that his back is bent and looks like two.

10) Cantilever: An element in which the knees are bent and the back is bent backwards, parallel to the ice.

11) They changed roles, and Lucie climbed up on the playmaster's shoulders, his weight hardly bending Garvey's back.

12) It looked very painful; his back was bent like a bow and his eyebrows were as white as the feathers of a crane.

13) So called because of the habit of raising and bending the back in preparation for a dive, accentuating the hump in front of the dorsal fin.

14) Urban executives, backs bent in permanent begging postures, cannot resist federal funds, even when they are used to displace forever their own constituents.

example sentences with back

15) Some arhats appear to face outwards with backs bent over like a crescent-shaped moon, or gaze skywards with a gaping mouth and hands folded in behind the back.

16) Some have seen the affliction as ankylosing spondylitis, but an alternative interpretation is that hard labor over the years had bent the woman's back.

17) Bags of flour are lugged, water is splashed, sleeves are rolled, arms in the dough way past the elbow, backs are bent, sweat drips down, rhythms are set, and all is mixed.

18) In a red cloak I saw him go, His back was bent, his step was slow, And as he laboured through the cold He seemed a hundred winters old.

19) "We are palm trees, bent forward, bent back, but we never break.

20) Note: be careful when putting boards in/out - it is very easy to accidentally 'miss' the connector with the pins (or to bend the connector back).

21) May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see, and their backs be bent forever." (Ps 69:22,23)

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