bamboo basket in a sentence
1) The bamboo basket rival beans roller of the roller assistant! !
2) Saying "a bamboo basket".
bamboo collocations
3) After that, he made bamboo baskets and sold them to earn his living.
4) bamboo baskets, mats, shields etc. are manufactured in a great way here.
bamboo basket example sentences
5) bamboo baskets, wood wares and carvings, mats and other handmade products are ideal souvenir items.6) Cooked chicken and rice in a newly made bamboo basket is offered up to the dead body.
7) They carry the garlands in two bamboo baskets, called Tomala Butta, on their heads.
8) Also woven are various types of bamboo baskets, receptacles for storing grain and leaf umbrellas for protection against rain.
9) MM's beautiful bamboo baskets must come from Cebu and there are similar ones from southern Palawan where bamboo generally, is abundant in the island.
10) Where I grew up, we made distinctions as to shapes of bamboo baskets, round flat are bilao, round tall are kalya and tall four-cornered bottoms are bakol.
11) The name Sagada came about when a group of Spanish soldiers coming from Besao met a man near Danum Lake who was carrying a bamboo basket for catching fish.
12) Rice and unhusked corn are usually stored in large woven bamboo baskets inside the house, although a particularly prosperous household may build a separate granary.
13) It is cooked by soaking for several hours and then steaming in a bamboo basket or "houat" (Lao: ຫວດ).
14) Sticky rice is steamed inside of a bamboo basket, a "huad", which sits on top of a pot, which is called the "maw nung".
example sentences with bamboo
15) Ancient Daxu Town is thus home to a number of cottage industries operated by women, such as rice-wine making and the manufacture of bamboo baskets, while Daxu men are renowned carpenters.16) The shrine trust will provide small bamboo baskets ... Woman and boy sorts out papers and plastic among garbage Help the rag pickers .
17) I use a basic set of stackable bamboo baskets (dirt-cheap at any Asian store), which you simply set over a pan of simmering water.
18) "YÅjinkago" were a type of large bamboo basket with which one could carry on the back or shoulders.
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