
ballet technique in a sentence

1) This is a ballet technique class designed for incoming dance majors.

2) Its alumni were influential in teaching classical Russian ballet technique in European schools.

ballet collocations
3) It was notable for its two dimensional shapes and lack of ballet technique.

4) DNC 233DANC 2333 u003e Beginning ballet Technique.

ballet technique example sentences

5) The school has four different levels of contemporary dance technique and four different levels of ballet technique.

6) DNC 433DANC 4333 u003e Advanced ballet Technique.

7) In a "grand pas classique", classical ballet technique prevails and no character dances are included.

8) Dance: Dance classes are offered in ballet technique, jazz, contemporary, and musical-theater tap.

9) Sergei Diaghilev's ballets Russes brought fame to Vaslav Nijinsky and established modern ballet technique.

10) This course provides students with an introduction to ballet technique, vocabulary, proper body alignment and body awareness.

11) Duncan's philosophy of dance moved away from rigid ballet technique and towards what she perceived as natural movement.

12) The part of classical ballet technique that concerns pointe work (dancing on the tips of the toes).

13) While I am a hundred percent for ballet technique, I use only what I can adapt to my own use.

14) Students choosing to study this series of awards are required to be competent in the fundamentals of ballet technique and movement vocabulary.

example sentences with ballet

15) This is a pre-professional level of ballet technique in which dancers will develop a high degree of technical ability and expressive range.

16) Good ballet training is the basis for success in most areas of dance, so strong emphasis is placed on ballet technique in all phases of the professional program.

17) Italian ballet techniques remained the dominant influence in much of southern and eastern Europe until Russian techniques supplanted them in the early 20th century.

18) ballet technique such as the turned out positions of the feet, however, lingered for over two centuries and past the end of the Victoria era.

19) ballet technique","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1167378117},

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