
balancing act in a sentence

1) This balancing act is achieved through measurement.

2) It is very much a balancing act.

3) This was an almost impossible balancing act.

4) The balancing act is overwhelming at times.

balancing act example sentences

5) And successfully managing meeting space is an intricate balancing act.

6) Management faces a very tricky balancing act.

7) The balancing act became increasingly difficult to sustain.

8) But all face an awkward balancing act.

9) This was not a simple balancing act!

10) This goes way beyond the balancing act.

11) This balancing act took place in meal after meal.

12) Designing an automated system is a balancing act.

13) It is clear that such a balancing act is complicated.

14) Getting the dose right is a delicate balancing act.

example sentences with balancing

15) We are playing in a delicate balancing act.

16) This balancing act is where the trade offs happen.

17) Of course, this is a careful balancing act.

18) Here again the consultant had to perform a serious balancing act!

19) Our response to illness is also a balancing act.

20) A real balancing act to say the least.

21) But this also becomes a balancing act.

22) It's a balancing act we never quite buy.

23) This is indeed a tricky balancing act to get right.

24) It's a fking balancing act, man.

25) The Tigers' political leadership is attempting a difficult balancing act.

26) Vipassana meditation is something of a mental balancing act.

27) I do understand the balancing act this all is.

How to use balancing in a sentence

28) It's a balancing act, it really is.

29) His groom on the back does the final balancing act.

30) Mongolia is at a crossroads and faces a delicate balancing act.

31) Manages a fine balancing act between humour and some darker drama.

32) Water quality is a balancing act involving a number of important factors.

33) Connery brought off this particular artistic balancing act better than most.

34) But no such balancing act is available to spare Pvt.

35) TrasviƱa is no stranger to this balancing act.

36) Is the PAP doing a clever balancing act ?

37) Hogg explained: 'We had to perform a balancing act.

38) Or is there some sort of balancing act to play there ?

39) This is an extraordinarily difficult balancing act, particularly with new artists.

40) It's an extraordinary balancing act that Mizoguchi pulls off.

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