
balanced representation in a sentence

1) In order to reflect the whole of the area we need a balanced representation.

2) EPHA calls for balanced representation of interests be guaranteed in the smart regulation process.

balanced collocations
3) The financial mechanism shall have an equitable and balanced representation of all Parties within a transparent system of governance.

4) Adam, however, denied his musical incited hatred and insisted it was a balanced representation of LGBT life.

balanced representation example sentences

5) Two of the six Councilors-at-Large shall be elected each year, with concern for providing balanced representation of the membership.

6) The Group met three times during the year to try and ensure a balanced representation on the sixty or so committees.

7) This "50-50" or "balanced representation" policy became the hall mark of Tamil politics of the time.

8) This consideration highlights the importance of a sharper focus on balanced representation for the different geographical regions in structures of the UN, the Minister added.

9) As stated earlier, this investigation only involved a few hundred community members it is a balanced representation of the Jamaican community in the UK.

10) Researchers are concerned regarding the unbalanced representation of machismo within Latin American cultures; and are now focused on creating a balanced representation.

11) It also typically requires interdisciplinary input with balanced representation of multiple fields including engineering, ecology, local history, and transport planning.

12) There have been retrospective exhibitions, but none has provided, I feel, a fully balanced representation of the different periods of his work.

13) " Trevor Phillips, CRE chair, has said: "balanced representation of ethnic minority communities in the media matters.

14) " In a 2013 retrospective on her time on "Doctor Who" Piper stated Rose's feminine characteristics contributed to her being a balanced representation of a female character.

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