
balanced in a sentence

1) The 1 2 4 2 series is better balanced.

2) The above example is called "balanced".

balanced collocations
3) All things in nature seek equilibrium where nature is perfectly balanced.

4) A more socially balanced and sustainable society.

balanced example sentences

5) This means that balanced portfolios are generally vested.

6) A balanced approach is necessary for adequate health policies.

7) His judgments are consistently sound and balanced.

8) The sound is nicely balanced and generally enjoyable.

9) They should learn learn to publish more balanced articles.

10) Muscle strength and joint strength are rarely balanced.

11) He balanced the string sections between themselves.

12) Dialogue is very crisp and very nicely balanced.

13) A balanced asset allocation model balances growth needs and income needs.

14) Dialogue checks are still not perfectly balanced.

example sentences with balanced

15) Contrast is nicely balanced while blacks are deep and attractive.

16) The district court took a balanced approach.

17) A balanced program should include all three.

18) The first half was very evenly balanced.

19) A balanced diet is recommended to help improve digestion.

20) Is scale is balanced to zero before weight is taken?

21) Its chances of success are finely balanced.

22) The 3 middle schools have balanced enrollment.

23) The rocks are perfectly balanced without other supports.

24) Budget was usually balanced or left small surplus.

25) Individual rights must be balanced against public safety.

26) It was powerful stuff – but carefully balanced.

27) This creates a balanced yet still frantic multiplayer experience.

How to use balanced in a sentence

28) A healthy balanced diet needs to meet certain nutrition ideal.

29) The sport where a balanced approach is everything.

30) Do businesses really need a balanced boardroom ?

31) Keep the text versus images ratio balanced .

32) The character classes feel relatively well balanced .

33) Lessons are balanced to present various viewpoints.

34) New drive shafts are made and balanced.

35) The tone is very balanced and quite natural.

36) A balanced public and private life ensures stability.

37) We balanced a $6 billion budget without increasing taxes.

38) Both are very nicely balanced and enjoyable.

39) The futuristic trend in furniture production is very much balanced.

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