
balanced growth in a sentence

1) This medium should provide the ideal base for complete and balanced growth.

2) Lewis seems to have ignored the balanced growth between agriculture and industry.

balanced collocations
3) The key is balanced growth .

4) If the cells don?t receive balanced nutrition, they can?t produce balanced growth.

balanced growth example sentences

5) Hirschman believed that Nurkse's balanced growth theory wasn't in fact a theory of growth.

6) A substantial part of the literature has been concerned with the properties of steady-state or balanced growth.

7) Therefore, the fundamental development policy has been "balanced growth"-balanced within communities and balanced citywide.

8) In order for South Korea to break out of its shell, a balanced growth is necessary.

9) The model is in fact that set out in Section 8-3 when examining balanced growth incidence.

10) Nurkse was in favour of attaining balanced growth in both the industrial and agricultural sectors of the economy.

11) Business needs sustained and balanced growth, stable exchange rates, steady and competitive interest rates and low inflation.

12) Suppose that r is fixed (for example by the balanced growth conditions see the next Lecture).

13) Hans Singer asserted that the balanced growth theory is more applicable to cure an economy facing a cyclical downswing.

14) It is important to note that the Board supports member municipalities from a regional perspective to achieve balanced growth.

example sentences with balanced

15) The balanced growth theory is an economic theory pioneered by the economist Ragnar Nurkse (1907–1959).

16) In coordination with the Maumee RAP, a balanced growth Plan has been developed for Swan Creek.

17) Taiwan's formula for balanced growth was to prevent industrial concentration and encourage manufacturers to set up in the countryside.

18) Could Avon become an outstanding modern city through balanced growth, preserving green space and the natural beauty of our town?

19) A watered-down version called the "Full Employment and balanced growth Act" passed the House and Senate in 1978.

20) This coming November, the Republic of Korea will be hosting the G20 Summit and we will do out best to ensure sustained and balanced growth of the global economy.

21) Bukharin, on the other hand, based himself upon the formal wording of the resolutions of the Fifteenth Congress, which had actually formulated a more cautious and balanced growth rhythm.

22) The KLSP 1984 development strategy was based on the concept of a hierarchy of urban centres in order to achieve balanced growth across the City.

23) We have to commit to the G20 peer review process in the framework of strong, sustainable and balanced growth over the five-year period.

24) Exercise 8-5 Examine the balanced growth incidence of a capital tax used to pay a lump-sum transfer to the working generation (where ).

25) Where there is saving out of wages a positive transfer is possible; and balanced growth incidence implies an improvement in the income of the wage-earning class.

26) We now consider the concept of balanced growth incidence, where changes in taxation are accompanied by offsetting adjustments in monetary policy to hold constant the capital-labour ratio.

27) An alternative notion of incidence to use in this context is therefore what we call balanced growth path incidence, where the rate of interest is kept constant by debt policy.

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