
balanced ecosystem in a sentence

1) Natural pest control is rooted in a vigorous, balanced ecosystem.

2) This approach was an attempt to mimic a balanced ecosystem in nature.

balanced collocations
3) It is a closed balanced ecosystem .

4) It is altering the specie range shifts which can impact finely balanced ecosystems.

balanced ecosystem example sentences

5) It is about the diverse and delicately balanced ecosystems supporting spectacular explosions of Nature's color.

6) Park officials manage populations of bison, horses, and elk to maintain a balanced ecosystem.

7) Often referred to as "oxygenators," most water gardeners consider them essential to a balanced ecosystem.

8) Wildlife Tycoon: Venture Africa teaches the importance of a balanced ecosystem and preservation of an environment.

9) The reduction of primary forest cover has spurred further debate on the management of the forests as balanced ecosystems.

10) Wildlife Tycoon: Venture Africa is a game in which players learn the importance of a balanced ecosystem.

11) Anyone who succeeds in maintaining a balanced ecosystem should contact the PFRP and convey the text of the verification message.

12) We need to work together to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem for all North America ," Wilson adds.

13) In order for a functioning and balanced ecosystem to exist, there must be carnivores that prey on the herbivores.

14) Cox's Portable HAT Farms include a mix of rock, water, fish and plants enclosed in a balanced ecosystem.

example sentences with balanced

15) In a balanced ecosystem, they provide food for a wide range of sea creatures including whales, shrimp, snails, and jellyfish.

16) Isabela's vast forest resources are now being ecologically manage to effect sustainable forest-based resource not only for the wood working industry but to secure a balanced ecosystem.

17) By reducing herbivory, they play a part in increasing the growth of plants and are thus part of a delicately balanced ecosystem.

18) Although some have a reputation as pests, insects are also pollinators, predators and decomposers – all very important roles in a balanced ecosystem.

19) A good formula to live by is: A good filtration system + lots of live plants + minimal fish = balanced ecosystem, or a clean pond.

20) A natural wetland filtration system (which we call "Mother Nature's kidneys" but is also often referred to as a "Regeneration Zone") helps to create and sustain an environmentally balanced ecosystem.

21) The idea isn't to "get rid" of ick or any other of the various maladies, it is to provide a well balanced ecosystem where ick is under control, naturally.

22) By teaching kids about the need for a balanced ecosystem, the game provides hope for continuing restoration and preservation of the natural world.

23) " The remote areas where parrots are still free and part of a balanced ecosystem are now under pressure from the invasion of man."

24) " It's extremely advanced science that allows us to perfectly control aspects of our water and produce vegetables and fish within a balanced ecosystem.

25) • Consider offering a monthly or quarterly email or printed one-page newsletter that gives tips on anything from maintaining healthy, happy fish to choosing the right plants for a balanced ecosystem.

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