
balanced blend in a sentence

1) His creations are a balanced blend of spiritual knowledge and folk behavior.

2) A balanced blend of Eastern and Middle Belt Virginias aged in cakes to develop their natural sweetness.

balanced collocations
3) The songs range from soaring and inspiring to gritty and burrowing, a balanced blend that conveys an impressive range of talent.

4) While I've historically gravitated towards the balanced blends of Bordeaux, there is something to be said for diversity and experimentation.

balanced blend example sentences

5) RATING: SOMA is a well balanced blend of herbs that has been meticulously tested for optimum potency and its "trippy" psychoactive effects.

6) Cranberry Seed Oil - Offers balanced blend of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids not available in other natural vegetable oils.

7) He was widely remembered in real tales of war, exploration and big game hunting as a balanced blend between gentleman officer and epic wild man.

8) It's best if you can collect your own because then you can select a balanced blend of large and small pieces and, possibly, different colours.

9) Led by a balanced blend of young playmakers and veteran savvy, the Blue Devils appear primed for a spirited push into March and potentially all the way to April.

10) And this August week Inflexiball has the luck of being ranked among apps that meet all of them, representing a perfectly balanced blend of necessary features.

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