
balance wheel in a sentence

1) It is worked by a small balance wheel and crank.

2) The balance wheel keeps time for the watch.

balance collocations
3) Each swing of the balance wheel takes precisely the same amount of time.

4) His design used a fast-beating balance wheel controlled by a temperature-compensated spiral spring.

balance wheel example sentences

5) The balance consisted of a circular steel balance wheel with two bimetallic strips attached diametrically.

6) balance wheels and pendulums always include a means of adjusting the rate of the timepiece.

7) Clocks keep time by mechanical resonance in a balance wheel, pendulum, or quartz crystal.

8) Most watch balance wheels oscillate at 5, 6, 8, or 10 beats per second.

9) The first clocks in northern Europe used foliots, while those in southern Europe used balance wheels .

10) The pituitary gland is believed to be the 'balance wheel ' of the entire glandular system.

11) The bimetallic compensated balance wheel was made obsolete in the early 20th century by advances in metallurgy.

12) These early balance wheels were crude timekeepers because they lacked the other essential element: the balance spring.

13) Ulysse Nardin in cooperation with GFD developed the first hairspring for the balance wheel in polycrystalline diamond.

14) The insurgency led to a fatal split down the middle in 1912 as the GOP lost its balance wheel .

example sentences with balance

15) The roller jewel is responsible for coupling the motion of the balance wheel to that of the pallet fork.

16) As with the pendulum, the escapement must provide a small kick each cycle to keep the balance wheel oscillating.

17) British watchmakers used the English detached lever, in which the lever was at right angles to the balance wheel .

18) The balance wheel, harnessed to a spring, solved most of the problems associated with the ship's motion.

19) In a tourbillon, the balance wheel is mounted in a rotating cage so that it will experience all positions equally.

20) The balance wheel was made heavier by means of four cannon balls placed on opposite sides, and connected by iron rods.

21) The balance wheel and balance spring provide a separate function: to regulate the timing (or escape) of the movement.

22) It is also the fundamental principle behind the spring scale, the manometer, and the balance wheel of the mechanical clock.

23) This collection saw the introduction of a balance wheel visible through an aperture on the dial and the creation of a mechanical range for ladies.

24) It does not increase accuracy, since the only wheels which have an effect on the balance wheel, those in the going train, are already jeweled.

25) A 17 jewel watch has every bearing from the balance wheel to the center wheel pivot bearings jeweled, so it was considered a 'fully jeweled' watch.

26) Friction in the wheel train bearings and the escapement causes slight variations in the impulses applied to the balance wheel, causing variations in the rate of timekeeping.

27) The mass of the balance wheel combines with the stiffness of the spring to precisely control the period of each swing or 'beat' of the wheel.

28) As the escape wheel turns, its tooth pushes against the lever, which gives the balance wheel a brief push, keeping it swinging back and forth.

29) The other end of the lever has a fork which engages with an upright "impulse pin" on the "balance wheel " shaft.

30) In an ordinary watch the balance wheel oscillates at different rates, because of gravitational bias, when the watch is in different positions, causing inaccuracy.

31) A device called an escapement releases the watch's wheels to move forward a small amount with each swing of the balance wheel, moving the watch's hands forward at a constant rate.

32) Its force is transmitted through a series of gears to power the balance wheel, a weighted wheel which oscillates back and forth at a constant rate.

33) In the Tourbillon device, the balance and escapement is continuously rotated and virtually eliminates errors arising from the balance wheel not being perfectly balanced whilst in vertical positions.

34) A simpler solution was devised around 1765 by Pierre Le Roy, and improved by John Arnold, and Thomas Earnshaw: the "Earnshaw" or "compensating" balance wheel .

35) John Harrison was first to apply temperature compensation to a balance wheel in 1753, using a bimetallic 'compensation curb' on the spring, in the first successful marine chronometers, H4 and H5.

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