
balance equation in a sentence

1) There is an energetic balance equation that connects the transmuted fields.

2) The water balance equation requires knowledge of the available water in the soil.

balance collocations
3) The energy balance equation includes terms that refer to energy intake and energy output.

4) The momentum balance equations can be extended to more general materials, including solids.

balance equation example sentences

5) In some texts one mass balance equation is replaced by an equation of charge balance.

6) Thermodynamic potentials can be derived from the energy balance equation applied to a thermodynamic system.

7) Anything that passes across the boundary needs to be accounted for in a proper transfer balance equation .

8) The balance equation for open systems when modeling wound healing incorporates mass growth due to cell migration and proliferation.

9) Any aircraft rudder is subject to considerable forces that determine its position via a force or torque balance equation .

10) Thus the detailed balance equations are satisfied, implying the chain is reversible and it has invariant distribution __FORMULA__.

11) This condition is also known as the detailed balance condition (some books refer the local balance equation ).

12) For the Markov kinetics the semi-detailed balance condition is just the elementary balance equation and holds for any steady state.

13) The kinetics of the reactor is described by the balance equations of neutrons and nuclei (fissile, fission products).

14) A Markov process satisfies detailed balance equations if and only if it is a reversible Markov process or reversible Markov chain.

example sentences with balance

15) Answer guide: The answer should show an understanding that the both sides of the balance sheet equation must always be equal.

16) The formula is essentially a mass balance equation which allows categorical limits to be calculated based upon the ratio of regulated vs. non-regulated (or process vs. non-process ) wastestreams.

17) In writing the detailed balance equation, one should include the fact that if there is no electron bound to the atom, continuum electrons of either spin orientation can go to the bound state.

18) Hunger and appetite : The input side of the energy balance equation, E in, is controlled in large part through the opposing sensations of hunger and satiety.

19) The energy balance equation . The equation for energy balance is E in = E out . This means that caloric intake equals caloric output.

20) This energy balance equation requires no understanding of internal bodily processes, nor of the nature or nutritional composition of the foods being consumed beyond their estimated calorie values.

21) The energy balance equation –calories-in, calories out–reflected a view of food as if it were made up of uniform calories, and a view of the body as a calorie-counting machine.

22) Omitting specific terms in the tangential and normal balance equations, we obtain one of the five following idealized flows: antitriptic, geostrophic, cyclostrophic, inertial, and gradient flows.

23) Moreover, the Gibbs free energy equation, in modified form, can be utilized for open systems when chemical potential terms are included in the energy balance equation .

24) If we consider the system of microbial cells to be at steady state then we may set the accumulation term to zero and reduce the material balance equations to simple algebraic equations.

25) Some of the earliest work in FBA dates back to the early 1980s. Papoutsakis demonstrated that it was possible to construct flux balance equations using a metabolic map.

26) Moreover, fluid intake records alone account for only one side of the water balance equation, and cannot account for daily water loss.

27) Although overall one term will account for the total balance on the system, if this balance equation is to be applied to an individual species and then the entire process, both terms are necessary.

28) However, if this is not the case then the mass balance equation must be amended to allow for the generation or depletion (consumption) of each chemical species.

29) Under these microscopic assumptions, the semi-detailed balance condition is just the balance equation for the Markov microkinetics according to the '"Michaelis–Menten–Stueckelberg theorem.

30) The'system gain' is an important source of reactive power in the above power balance equation, which is generated by the capacitive nature of the transmission network itself.

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