
balance coordination in a sentence

1) Develop balance, coordination and stability.

2) Trained stabilizing muscles improve the balance, coordination and overall sense of well-being and strength.

balance collocations
3) It's Soccer Tots–a class fit for toddlers to help build their balance coordination .

4) Every player has to have balance, coordination, and know how to ice skate very well.

balance coordination example sentences

5) A form is a predetermined pattern of techniques that ties together proper posture, balance, coordination and timing.

6) Most forms of hapkido include a series of double kicks used to promote balance, coordination and muscular control.

7) The skill-related components of fitness are: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed.

8) Proprioception is an important component of balance, coordination and agility, which are also required for safe performance of plyometric exercises.

9) Ataxia Ataxia is the name given to a group of neurological disorders that can affect your balance, coordination, and speech.

10) Most SFSTs test balance, coordination and the ability of the driver to divide his or her attention among several tasks as once.

11) PD is defined as a progressive disorder of the brain that can affect balance, coordination, walking and other everyday movements that we often take for granted.

12) Ataxia Persons who are diagnosed with ataxia experience a failure of muscle control in their arms and legs which may result in a lack of balance, coordination, and possibly a disturbance in gait.

13) Water exercise has been shown to reduce swelling often associated with pregnancy, improves circulation, provides a balanced workout, and enhances balance, coordination and posture.

14) Ataxia means 'lack of order' and is the term given to a group of neurological conditions that affect balance, coordination and speech.

example sentences with balance

15) Remind them noise, sun, motion, wind, and sound will affect their balance, coordination, reflexes, judgment, response time, eyesight and hearing.

16) The idea is to merge the goals of increasing the size of the muscles yet also developing the balance, coordination and functional skills within the body.

17) Exercise improves your strength, flexibility and posture, which in turn will help with balance, coordination, and reducing the risk of falls.

18) But José is not just having a great time – his balance, coordination, self-confidence, and social interactions have all measurably improved.

19) In addition to impairing balance, motor coordination, decisionmaking, and a litany of other functions, alcohol produces detectable memory impairments beginning after just one or two drinks.

20) The OLS test requires the suspect to stand on one leg for 30 seconds and also measures balance, coordination, and similar to the WAT test, divides the suspect's attention.

21) Rehabilitation in Wallenberg's Syndrome focuses on improving balance, coordination, working on activities of daily living, and improving speech and swallowing function.

22) It is an exercise, meditation and art form focused on helping you gain body awareness, balance, coordination, muscle development, freedom of motion, self expression and a whole lot of fun doing it.

23) Children have loads of fun as they gain strength, balance, coordination, agility and flexibility while developing social skills, confidence and self-esteem.

24) Unlike many other forms of exercise, however, Pilates balances out muscular asymmetries, streamlines your silhouette, and improves your balance, coordination, and breath control.

25) On a purely physical level, Gyrotonic exercises strengthen, stretch and elongate muscles for improved balance, coordination, muscle tone, and flexibility.

26) Push participants past training plateaus with a platoon of shallow water training designed to target fitness components of agility, balance, coordination and speed in addition to cardio capacity.

27) "Exercising correctly" means flexibility, balance, coordination, and stabilization exercises in conjunction with the other phases of desired training such as endurance, size, strength, and power.

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