baking in a sentence
1) Place rolls in 9" x 9" baking dish.
2) Place into 2 9x11â„2 inch baking pans.
baking collocations
3) Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
4) Her favorite activities are cooking and baking.
baking example sentences
5) Committee members were asked to donate baking.6) I am using baking soda and tea tree oil.
7) Jews were legally banned from baking bread.
8) You still need to add baking powder.
9) He won the baking contest six times.
10) I love baking fries instead of frying.
11) Line three baking sheets with parchment paper.
12) What size is a medium baking dish?
13) They fulfill important functions during the baking process.
14) We very much appreciated their home baking.
example sentences with baking
15) Divide batter among baking cups, filling each halfway full.16) But baking soda has so many other uses.
17) Two work islands separate cooking and baking functions.
18) My entire apartment building could smell the cinnamon rolls baking.
19) Most eggs used in baking are at room temperature.
20) Two blog posts were about cooking or baking.
21) Place six balls of dough on each baking sheet.
22) Use baking soda and water to remove tough stains.
23) Line a 9 x 13 inch baking dish with foil.
24) Place the pastry cases on baking sheets.
25) Good baking was simply a matter of experience.
26) Turn them occasionally while they are baking.
27) I reduced the baking temp to 350.
How to use baking in a sentence
28) Place the pastry strips onto the baking sheet.29) An absolutely delightful addition to any holiday baking tray!
30) They were really simple and smelled wonderful while they were baking.
31) Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
32) Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
33) Spread apple slices in a baking dish.
34) I continued baking it for 90 minutes.
35) I learned this from baking bread actually.
36) Apply baking soda directly with a damp sponge.
37) She has a penchant for baking treats.
38) I started baking cakes for the monthly cake sale.
39) Cooking is finished along with the final baking.
40) Pour equally onto the two baking sheets.
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