
bakeshop in a sentence

1) It is home to many Filipino businesses, particularly restaurants and bakeshops.

2) This evokes an Italian bakeshop or sidewalk trattoria.

3) My childhood favorites used to be ones from Hizon's bakeshop.

4) I wish there's a Goldilocks bakeshop here in sunny Singapore.

bakeshop example sentences

5) Take a look at Lil' bakeshop Fashion Editorial for Marie Claire China.

6) Red Ribbon Bakeshop, a sister company of Jollibee, followed suit in January 2010.

7) Try this amazing bakeshop for a specialty experience you'll be hard-pressed to find elsewhere across the nation.

8) Events such as "Kapihan" often officiated at bakeshops and restaurants that also served coffee for breakfast and merienda.

9) I remember how my parents (we used to own a bakeshop in cebu) would often give staff parties.

10) Meyer lemons are highly favored by pastry chefs of all leagues and bakeshop owners for their distinct taste including their rind.

11) Her mom made tons of great vegan food, and there was a birthday cake from Sweet Avenue bakeshop for dessert.

12) Red Ribbon, a popular bakeshop in the Philippines, will open its second branch in Bergenfield, after Jersey City.

13) The song was recorded for the promotion of Goldilocks Bakeshop's 40th year anniversary of service (40 Thoughtful Years).

14) There were no bakeshops in those early days, and I made many an apple pie, just of common dried apples, and sold them for a dollar apiece.

example sentences with bakeshop

15) No person or persons shall be allowed to live or sleep in any room of a bakeshop, kitchen, dining room, confectionary or place where food is prepared, served or sold.

16) For more information visit Courtney's bakeshop online or to make a purchase, use the Contact Page or call (949) 281-2424.

17) For my second (and final) dessert of the day, I had a vegan zombie cupcake from Sweet Avenue Bakeshop, which I ate while watching The Walking Dead.

18) They are the best tortas I have ever tasted (I also like the SanLo Tortas) and I think they are from a bakeshop in Cebu named Vicky's.

19) In June of the same year, Goldilocks bakeshop chose her as spokesperson for their 40th Year Anniversary (40 Thoughtful Years), where she recorded the promotional song "Araw Mo".

20) By 1899, Weston had also established in the town of Oshawa, northeast of Toronto, a branch bakeshop, which he described as a "miniature Model Bakery", for the production of bread.

21) Vancouver is also home to the only branches of Goldilocks bakeshop and Max's Fried Chicken in Canada, of which there were two in 2008.

22) Lochner's case was argued by Henry Weismann (who had been one of the foremost advocates of the bakeshop Act when he was Secretary of the Journeymen Bakers' Union).

23) Lil bakeshop Fashion Editorial For Marie Claire China by Amber Gray Mix fashion and scrumptious cake at the Lil' bakeshop Fashion Editorial for Marie Claire China.

24) Lil bakeshop Fashion Editorial For Marie Claire China by Amber Gray Mix fashion and scrumptious cake at the Lil' bakeshop Fashion Editorial for Marie Claire China.

25) On Baking says that "cooks who assume that 8 ounces of flour is the same as 1 cup of flour commonly make errors in the bakeshop.

26) The woman in the bakeshop is the same way -- she gets pride in knowing that the bread she baked fed another human being.

27) But they don't stop at ice cream, they are also a bakeshop -- there's cakes, cookies, pies, too.

28) Overheard : bakeshop is a carry-out kind of place next door to Case Study Coffee, which roasts its own coffee and encourages carry in.

29) Here's a rundown of the bakeries and sugar shacks we visited: bakeshop Vibe: The bakeshop counter is relatively small and practically elegant, reflecting what is being sold.

30) Here's a rundown of the bakeries and sugar shacks we visited: bakeshop Vibe: The bakeshop counter is relatively small and practically elegant, reflecting what is being sold.

31) During the 48 hours, we stopped at seven places, ranging from artful (Bakeshop) to playful (Voodoo Doughnut Too).

32) Get a loaf (or more than one!) of freshly baked artisanal whole wheat sourdough bread from Companion bakeshop in Santa Cruz each week with your CSA share.

33) There are 15 bakeries/bakeshops and 1 ice cream/ice drop company.

34) , bakers Cheryl and Griffith Day whose bakeshop there goes by the same name.

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