
baker in a sentence

1) baker died before the film was released.

2) baker kicked three field goals and four extra points.

3) baker recommends calling these policies "trade" agreements.

4) baker found enjoyment outside the office through sports.

baker example sentences

5) The second test was "Baker".

6) Baker's overall voting record was pretty conservative.

7) baker is keen on more collaborative projects in key technologies.

8) baker also created a major radiation problem.

9) baker once again reveals his quiet and noble nature.

10) baker needs a solution acceptable to both sides.

11) baker approaches enterprise network security from a situational perspective.

12) baker developed a drug habit and never recovered.

13) So why does the baker choose to bake?

14) baker finished with 216 total yards and three total touchdowns.

example sentences with baker

15) baker completed 11 of 15 passes for 175 yards.

16) baker won 30% of the votes.

17) baker himself was ambivalent on the subject.

18) baker used indigenous materials as far as possible.

19) baker quickly made the part his own.

20) baker is a consummate liver of life.

21) The place where a baker works is called a bakery .

22) These phrases should give every baker resident pause.

23) Josephine baker performing her famous banana skirt dance.

24) Coach baker never had a winning record.

25) A study by baker "et al.

26) Baker's lifelong ambition was to write.

27) Ella baker was a notoriously private person.

How to use baker in a sentence

28) Rick baker created the prosthetic makeup designs.

29) Baker's cysts may form and rupture.

30) Photographs of "Baker" are unique among nuclear detonation pictures.

31) baker is 6'1" and 205 pounds.

32) Something like baker is much more sensible.

33) I've never really been a baker.

34) baker has received 4 to 8 inches since Wednesday night .

35) Baker's responses became faint and slowly diminished.

36) Bush and baker are cold war products.

37) Baker: No more giants waging war!

38) baker writes, "The timing was remarkable.

39) USF was ranked 6; baker was ranked 11.

40) Their song "Ma Baker" has been widely covered.

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