
bake pan in a sentence

1) Place into 2 9x11⁄2 inch baking pans .

2) Cut into cubes and place on baking pan .

bake collocations
3) If so, what size baking pan was used?

4) I baked them in a round baking pan .

bake pan example sentences

5) The baking pan he placed on the floor.

6) Grease and line a 13x9 inch baking pan 2.

7) Take large narrow baking pans and cover bottom with lard.

8) Spread into a greased 8 x8 baking pan .

9) Rent a character baking pan and get it done yourself.

10) Transfer the bread and potato mixture to the baking pan .

11) Pour the mixture into a 9 x 9 inch square baking pan .

12) Arrange the chicken in a shallow baking pan .

13) Pour into the baking pan and distribute evenly over the bottom.

14) Press the mixture into the base of the baking pan .

example sentences with bake

15) bake a large pan of sweet potatoes at the same time.

16) In a baking pan, scatter pecans in a single layer.

17) Butter a baking pan and put in half the macaroni.

18) Place it on a foil-lined baking pan .

19) Press into a square baking pan .

20) Pour batter into a greased (pammed) glass baking pan .

21) Press mixture into a greased 9-inch by 13-inch baking pan .

22) For best results, place baking pans in the center of the oven.

23) Remove from oven and place baking pan on a wire rack to cool.

24) Place tart pan on a larger baking pan and bake crust for 5 minutes.

25) Cut 25 pounds of bacon in thin slices and place in large baking pan .

26) Butter a 9X13 inch baking pan .

27) Put the chicken in a large baking pan, lightly sprayed with cooking oil.

How to use bake in a sentence

28) Into a square 8-inch baking pan, pour 2 tablespoons of the butter.

29) Remove from the Heat and place in a large bowl or baking pan .

30) Place the prosphora in a floured baking pan used specially for this purpose.

31) When cookies are firm, remove from baking pan and let completely cool on rack.

32) Generously butter a 9- by 13-inch baking pan, preferably nonstick.

33) Alternatively, form the dough into an 8 x 8 inch lightly greased baking pan .

34) Dump into the prepared baking pan and spread out evenly with a spatula.

35) Spread the pastry in a medium-sized baking pan using a spoon or your fingers.

36) Arrange drumsticks in a single layer on a 13 x 9'' baking pan .

37) bake in an ungreased 13 x 9 inch baking pan (non-stick recommended).

38) Cook this in a 9x13 inch baking pan (we prefer glass).

39) The original recipe for this coffee cake called for a 9 ×13-inch baking pan .

40) Brush the bottom and sides of the skillet or baking pan lightly with olive oil.

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