
bailliage in a sentence

1) To appeal a "bailliage's" decisions, one turned to the regional parlements.

2) John defeated them, and afterwards gave up the bailliage to his cousin John of Arsuf.

3) He circulated pamphlets, which the Abbé Sieyès had drawn up at his request, in every bailliage.

4) His father, Jean Benoît Nicolas Desmoulins, was a rural lawyer and lieutenant-general of the bailliage of Guise.

bailliage example sentences

5) In the assembly of the "bailliage", rivalry ran still higher, but Robespierre had begun to make his mark in politics with the "Avis aux habitants de la campagne" (Arras, 1789).

6) Vaublanc supported Fréteau de Saint-Just, an elected "député de la noblesse" for the "bailliage" of Melun who was to become a member of the National Constituent Assembly.

7) Seduced at first by the new ideas of the Revolution, he threw himself into a political career by becoming an aristocratic member of the "bailliage" of Melun in 1789.

8) The appeals from their sentences went to the "bailliages", who also had jurisdiction in the first instance over actions brought against nobles.

9) In an effort to reduce the case load in the parlements, certain "bailliages" were given extended powers by Henry II of France: these were called présidiaux.

10) The territory of Brittany was divided in 1789 into five "départements", partially on the basis of earlier divisions called "présidiaux" which in turn had issued from mediaeval "bailliages".

11) The letters of summons to the Estates-General of 1484 invited the ecclesiastics, nobles, and Third Estate to meet at the chief town of their "bailliage" or "sénéchaussé" and elect deputies.

12) In March 1789, Jean Benoît Nicolas Desmoulins was nominated as deputy to the Estates-General from the bailliage of Guise; however, due to illness, he failed to take his seat.

13) In 1789 he drew up the first article of the "cahier" of the electors of the "bailliage" of Roye, demanding the abolition of feudal rights.

14) Similarly, in June 1253, Arnaud-Guillaume de Gramont had promised to aid Gaston VII, who would be his 'good lord' from whom he received a rent secured on the bailliage of Sauveterre-de-Béarn.

example sentences with bailliage

15) The bailliage of Guernsey

16) The bailliage of Jersey

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