
bailiwick in a sentence

1) They exercised various privileges within their bailiwicks.

2) Each had a defined territorial bailiwick or ward.

3) The first serious steam powered major casualty in bailiwick waters.

4) These are medical issues, in my bailiwick.

bailiwick example sentences

5) The bailiwicks Channel Islands also remained politically distinct.

6) It was made into a Trier bailiwick.

7) Each bailiwick was left to make its own regulations as necessary.

8) I need you here because training's your bailiwick.

9) At least when it comes to my particular bailiwick.

10) bailiwick Express is one of Jersey's digital online news sources.

11) It's been a big day in her bailiwick generally.

12) A bailiwick is a territory administered by a Bailiff.

13) This goal fits squarely in the bailiwick of marketing, not engineering.

14) They resented Oprah's meddling in their bailiwick.

example sentences with bailiwick

15) Guernsey is the perfect launch pad to explore neighbouring bailiwick islands and beyond.

16) To make administration easier, the estates were divided into 12 local bailiwicks.

17) All of these except Jersey are in the bailiwick of Guernsey.

18) Jersey Telecom is the former monopoly operator in the bailiwick of Jersey.

19) The location is also the highest point in the bailiwick of Guernsey.

20) Its sister bailiwick islands are each unique and with their own very distinct personality.

21) The bailiwick production featured an eight-piece orchestra and a cast of 29.

22) The bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey are two Crown Dependencies.

23) The culture of Jersey is the culture of the bailiwick of Jersey.

24) In both cases sheriffs are charged with enforcing civil judgements against debtors within their bailiwick.

25) In Scotland Viscount Gough is head of the Grand bailiwick of Scotland.

26) The ceremony was attended by luminaries such as dotard, bailiwick and simian.

27) Some wardens accounted for the revenues of their bailiwicks directly at the Exchequer.

How to use bailiwick in a sentence

28) The notification scheme in the bailiwick follows the UK scheme as closely as possible.

29) The bailiwick lessees promoted a much less regulated market than that found in boroughs elsewhere.

30) Borch held the central prince-archiepiscopal castle in Vörde and the pertaining bailiwick.

31) It is part of the bailiwick of Guernsey, a British Crown dependency.

32) After the Reformation, Bern created the Interlaken bailiwick from the abbey lands.

33) The Teutonic Knights founded the bailiwick of Koblenz in or around 1231.

34) The head of the profession of advocate in each bailiwick is called the Bâtonnier.

35) The annual Sark to Jersey Rowing Race is contested by teams from both bailiwicks.

36) After the Wittelsbach 1204 over the bailiwick had lost Reichenbach its regional importance.

37) This resulted in 26 new chief of police positions, largely corresponding to the old bailiwicks.

38) The bailiwick of Guernsey Millennium Tapestry illustrates 1000 years of history in 10 embroidered panels.

39) The bailiwick of Jersey consists of the Island of Jersey and its uninhabited dependencies.

40) They had an unwritten agreement that each would support the other in their own bailiwicks.

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