
bail plea in a sentence

1) Earlier the bail pleas had been posted for today .

2) A day before the CBI Court delivers its judgment on Jagan's bail plea .

bail collocations
3) It also dismissed the bail pleas of five other accused arrested in connection with the case .

4) The new complaint comes after Rajasthan High Court on Tuesday rejected Asaram's bail plea .

bail plea example sentences

5) A day a... Out on interim relief the court is hearing his anticipatory bail plea now.

6) On 4 May 2008, Supreme Court issued notice to Chhattisgarh government on Sen's bail plea .

7) Asaram's bail plea is due to come up for hearing in the Rajasthan High Court later today.

8) The bail plea of Jayendrar was declined in lower court and also in Madras High Court during December 2005.

9) HC issues notice to the CBI on its reply on the bail pleas of the five accused by 1 December.

10) Jethmalani made this argument in his bail plea for Asaram before the Rajasthan High Court in Jodhpur on Monday .

11) Asaram was not brought to the court from Jodhpur Central jail when his bail plea was taken up for hearing .

12) On June 11, 2014 US Supreme Court rejected Gupta's bail plea, a week before his prison term begins.

13) Asaram's counsel Sudhir Nanavati withdrew the bail plea after Justice A J Desai indicated that he was inclined to reject it.

14) He filed a bail plea in Saharanpur district court, but his plea was dismissed by the court and it sent him on a 14-day judicial custody.

example sentences with bail

15) Turning down their bail pleas, Justice V Ramkumar said the objective of the activity was to disturb harmony and tranquility of the society and to create fear.

16) Dr. Sen had moved the apex court challenging the order of the Chhattisgarh High Court which had rejected his bail plea on 10 February 2011.

17) On 25 January 2011, the Chhattisgarh High Court heard his bail plea for the second consecutive day and then fixed 9 February for the next hearing.

18) His bail plea was again rejected on 25 May, as the Chhattisgarh Police claimed that he was a threat to the security of the State.

19) Giriraj Singh files application for anticipatory bail He filed the anticipatory bail plea in the court of district judge Virendra Kumar who listed the matter for hearing on Friday.

20) The court, however, dismissed the bail plea and directed the special cell to complete their probe against Bhatkal and Akhtar by May 8.

21) On September 0 4 a lower court had rejected the bail plea of Asaram, who was arrested on September 1 from his Indore ashram.

22) The court, however, dismissed bail pleas of accused Rajpal Singh, Bhupender Singh, Uday Raj Singh, Satnam Singh, Mathura Singh and Anand Singh Bisht.

23) When the petition came up for hearing, the Director General of Prosecution T.Asaf Ali opposed the bail pleas of the accused.

24) 14 May 2011: Special CBI Court defers order on their bail pleas for 20 May.

25) 3 November 2011: Special CBI court dismisses bail pleas of all the 8 applicants (including Kanimozhi)

26) Bail, pleas u0026 proof

27) 16 December 2011: HC rejects bail plea of Siddharth Behura saying "he was the 'perpetrator' of the illegal designs of Raja and would not claim benefit of parity with 10 others released on bail"

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