
baggy top in a sentence

1) A baggy top, jeans, and a pair of trainers?

2) The jackets, tights and baggy tops generally fit both men and women equally well.

baggy collocations
3) I always considered myself relatively flat-chested and always wore the wrong sized bra with no underwire and baggy tops.

4) baggy tops or toes are not an option, nor is material that makes us melt in to the pavement.

baggy top example sentences

5) Most overweight people chose to hide their size with baggy tops and loose, stretchy slacks, long skirts, or tent-shaped dresses.

6) Women may not wear Lycra as it is too form-fitting; when Homa Hosseini competes in rowing she must wear her hijab secured by a hat, a long-sleeved baggy top and tracksuit bottoms.

7) For example baggy tops that tie round the back are good because they can be tied looser and looser as your bump grows.

8) When I was a preteen my mom dressed my in baggy tops and for the longest time I felt like I had no curves at all.

9) "I hid my bump with baggy tops and lived in a constant state of terror.

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