
baggy short in a sentence

1) He was wearing long, baggy gym shorts .

2) The default choice when matching with baggy shorts .

baggy collocations
3) The little bloke with the dodgy bat and baggy shorts .

4) We love it with a full skirt or baggier shorts .

baggy short example sentences

5) Grey baggy cycling shorts, 34.99, Sombrio.

6) The shooting suspect is seen wearing a dark jacket, ski hat and very baggy shorts .

7) First, the friction of the chute caused his baggy shorts to come off.

8) In his baggy white shorts and bright yellow waistcoat, he looked like a street entertainer.

9) Other theories relate to the baggy shorts worn by various players during the club's early years.

10) In the 1991 FA Cup Final Tottenham Hotspur's players lined up in long baggy shorts .

11) This punishment is being administered by a British colonial official in trademark long baggy shorts and pith helmet.

12) Today he wore fashionable baggy Italian shorts in a khaki colour and a white short-sleeved cotton shirt.

13) West Bromwich Albion FC are nicknamed the baggies because their team used to wear particularly baggy shorts .

14) He dressed in baggy shorts and Hawaiian print shirts, but there was nothing relaxed about his working methods.

example sentences with baggy

15) From about 1970 to 1990 football shorts were extremely short, but baggy shorts then came back into use worldwide.

16) So we opt for the tried and tested T-shirt or, even worse, baggy shorts and a button-through overshirt.

17) But in the 1990s, longer and baggier shorts became popular, with the hems often reaching to the knees.

18) It's just like the clothes, baggy shorts and a baseball cap seem to be a universal style these days.

19) Kit became more generously cut, giving rise to the baggy shorts reaching to the knee so fondly remembered on shorter players.

20) In the FA Cup final of 1991 Tottenham Hotspur once again set a trend by turning out in long, baggy shorts .

21) We saw an opportunity to make cycling and cycle clothing less serious – more fun, like surfing with big baggy shorts 'n' all.

22) Most of his clothes have a turtleneck . Killua wears long, baggy shorts in the manga and Madhouse animated adaptation, but Nippon Animation's character design shortened them to reach above his knees.

23) In addition to blue jeans and jean shorts, some other items that are prohibited at certain clubs include cut-offs, short shorts, long or baggy shorts, athletic shorts, and sweatpants.

24) Her clothes mature over the course of the game series–in the first Uncharted she wears purple and white tank-tops, baggy cargo shorts that drop at her knees, and sneakers.

25) baggy shorts, also a symbol of hip hop culture, were banned by the league as well, which instituted a rule on the length of players' shorts while playing.

26) The FC Dynamo Moscow team that toured Western Europe in 1945 drew almost as much comment for the players' long baggy shorts as for the quality of their football.

27) Other popular trends included hoodies, jean shorts, khaki cargo pants, baggy basketball shorts, chinos, tracksuits and black bomber jackets with orange linings.

28) However, baggy knee-length gym shorts fastened at or above the knees continued to be worn by girls in school physical education classes through to the 1950s in some areas.

29) She had not liked it before, did not like it now, and the throng of tourists who had also disembarked, wearing baggy floral shorts, trussed with the straps of cameras and rucksacks, was irritating.

30) The Fab Five, sporting long, baggy shorts and black socks, became immensely popular as they were seen as bringing a hip hop flavor to the game.

31) While Herndon did wear comically baggy shorts, he was just one guy, and I couldn't find any photos of him doing it until '91-92.

32) To his peers among the hardcore diaspora he is punk rock personified, the noble savage - poet, performer and publisher, a Nietzschian superman in baggy black shorts and'search And Destroy' tattoos.

33) Two years ago, he turned from a skater, who sported fingerless gloves and baggy shorts, to a jean-wearing rock rodent carrying an electric guitar.

34) When Griffin's workout ended, he climbed back into the baggy shorts and loose T-shirt and ambled over to us, smiling.

35) White-haired, bulky, in baggy shorts and well-worn hoodie, Burdon sits by a big, wooden table, sipping Earl Grey tea with honey.

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