
baggage train in a sentence

1) About 3 pm Warwick's baggage train entered the city.

2) A small rearguard protected the baggage train .

baggage collocations
3) Massive baggage trains enabled rapid troop movement by the Frankish army without repeated foraging.

4) Each "mora" marched and camped separately, with its own baggage train .

baggage train example sentences

5) All components that were not made of wood were transported in the baggage train .

6) No battle, the opponents leave their baggage trains and withdraw from the field.

7) The Basques fell on his rearguard and baggage train, utterly destroying it.

8) The most serious loss materially seems to have been the emperor's extravagant baggage train .

9) Cope's baggage train at Cockenzie was captured with only a single shot fired.

10) Some distance away behind them, slogged two slow moving legions with the baggage train .

11) Mules and wagons of the baggage train would be loaded and units formed up.

12) Charlemagne's baggage train is attacked whilst crossing the Alps on one of his campaigns.

13) Milhaud aggressively pursued the Russians and captured the baggage train of the 2nd Division.

14) In 1379 Aschwin attacked a baggage train of goods wagons with 17 tonnes of herrings.

example sentences with baggage

15) The Grande Armée was also compelled to abandon much of its remaining artillery and baggage train .

16) As Otto received word of the attack, he ordered Conrad to recover the baggage train .

17) Due to lack of centralized logistical system, the Polish armies were encumbered by large baggage trains .

18) The Yankees excelled in galloping from forest cover to fall on British baggage trains and forage parties.

19) The French also captured 1,000 Spaniards, nine cannons, and most of the baggage train .

20) People accompanying the baggage train just arriving were horrified at the sight before them and panicked as well.

21) The French lost 400 killed or wounded, along with two guns and the VI Corps baggage train .

22) Hohenlohe's baggage train with 2,500 mostly non-combatants thus fell into the hands of Grouchy's division.

23) The brigade itself consisted of approximately nine battalions of infantry, each with its own artillery and baggage train .

24) In spite of these precautions the baggage train was ambushed by a Xinca army soon after leaving Taxisco.

25) They left a portion of their baggage train there and began to survey the area around Lake Baikal.

26) The Romans were thus decoyed and the Carthaginians slipped through the undefended pass with all their baggage train .

27) After the battle, Parmenion rounded up the Persian baggage train while Alexander and his bodyguard pursued Darius.

How to use baggage in a sentence

28) This change drastically reduced the size of the baggage train required as support and made the army much more mobile.

29) Every legion had a baggage train of 500–550 mules, or about 1 mule for every 10 legionaries.

30) This reform made the baggage train of the army very small for its size and improved its speed of march.

31) The king returned west but is said to have lost a significant part of his baggage train along the way.

32) These eventually caught up and captured much of Floyd's baggage train, and continued to pursue the weary garrison.

33) He formed his men into a square, enclosing his vulnerable baggage train, and ordered them to dig trenches.

34) In front of the baggage train and the artillery two thousand pioneers marched with spades ready to smooth the ground.

35) Sending back his artillery and baggage train, Gouvion Saint-Cyr led his troops into the mountains the next day.

36) Relying on a baggage train of about 1,000 camels, the Parthian horse archers were given constant supplies of arrows.

37) The Royalist cavalry, with their eye on the baggage train, unwisely chose to pursue the fleeing Parliamentarian horsemen.

38) Hohenlohe's baggage train of 500 wagons with 2,500 teamsters and other non-combatants fell into the hands of the French.

39) In the confused retreat, the Americans captured 100 soldiers, the baggage trains of two regiments, and food supplies.

40) The Brunswickians took 24 cannon and a large baggage train with them; the strength of the Lüneburg artillery is unknown.

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