bacterium spread in a sentence
1) The bacteria have spread throughout the body.
2) And these strains of bacteria are spreading fast .
bacterium collocations
3) Separate Cross-contamination is how harmful bacteria spread .
4) Once established, bacteria rapidly spread to the lymph nodes and multiply.
bacterium spread example sentences
5) Drug-resistant bacteria are spreading in our hospitals and our communities.6) When the bacterium spreads within the plant, leaves begin withering and can die.
7) The secondary stage is however highly infectious because the bacteria is spreading drastically throughout the body.
8) In the case of gonorrhoea, the complications are a direct result of bacteria spreading through the body.
9) How it becomes infected, is when the skin is punctured and the bacteria spreads to the wound.
10) spread by cholera bacteria in fecal contaminated water, cholera caused massive diarrhea, leading to dehydration and death.
11) Always remember to wipe your bottom from front to back, this helps stop bacteria spreading from the anus.
12) Now, however, an increasing number of highly resistant -- and deadly -- bacteria are spreading around the world.
13) The researchers are now trying to determine if hog workers who carry drug-resistant bacteria spread it to their families and communities, which could make them a threat to public health.
14) Advanced cases of mouth fungus can also cause symptoms similar fungus, where the bacteria have spread from the face onto the body and fins (see 8a).
example sentences with bacterium
15) RID lends its expertise to medical schools and nursing schools to educate their students about how bacteria spread from patient to patient and what caregivers can do to protect their own patients.16) Consuming other people's feces carries the risk of contracting diseases and bacteria spread such as "E. coli", Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E, pneumonia, polio, and influenza.
17) One glass of this juice when consumed on a regular basis for at least a fortnight is very effective in clearing the toxins spread by the bacteria in the blood and purifying it.
18) This helps to eliminate the MRSA and reduces the risk of the bacteria spreading either to other sites on the patient's body, where they might cause infection, or to other patients.
19) • CRE bacteria are spreading, and urgent action is needed to stop them.
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