
bacterium feed in a sentence

1) The process involves bacteria feeding on hydrocarbons and excreting hydrogen and CO2.

2) They let the bacteria feed, multiply, and compete with one another.

bacterium collocations
3) The E. coli bacterium feeds by absorbing nutrients such as sugars from the human gut where it lives .

4) Fly maggots and bacteria feed off the carcass, converting flesh to energy to make "rot" occur.

bacterium feed example sentences

5) The consumption of dissolved oxygen by bacteria feeding on the spilled hydrocarbons also contributes to the death of fish.

6) These bacteria feed upon chyme digestive, and also produce certain fat-soluble vitamins which are absorbed by the horse.

7) Together, the nematodes and bacteria feed on the liquefying host, and reproduce for several generations inside the cadaver.

8) Bacteria normally feed on organic matter; as well as material for cell formation organic matter also contains the necessary energy.

9) This is known as dental erosion, and is a different issue from decay or cavities, which are caused by bacteria feeding off sugars in your mouth.

10) The bacteria feeds off sugars in the mouth and forms an acid that begins to eat away at the enamel of the teeth.

11) Although research continues on this question, studies indicate that psyllium fiber will not result in mineral loss, and friendly bacteria actually feed on fiber.

12) According to Gold, bacteria feeding on the oil accounts for the presence of biological debris in hydrocarbon fuels, obviating the need to resort to a biogenic theory for the origin of the latter.

13) When bacteria feed on soluble forms of nitrogen (ammonium and nitrite), they temporarily sequester that nitrogen in their bodies in a process called "immobilisation".

14) Normally, bacteria feeding on a sunken decaying body will generate gas inside the body, causing it to float to the surface after a few days.

example sentences with bacterium

15) In the case of people who have lactose intolerance, intestinal bacteria feeding on lactose can give rise to excessive gas production when milk or lactose-containing substances have been consumed.

16) These oligosaccharides pass through the upper intestine largely unchanged, and when they reach the lower intestine, bacteria feed on them, producing copious amounts of flatus.

17) The results show, when gut bacteria feed on certain foods, such as eggs and beef, they produce a compound that may in turn increase heart disease risk, the researchers said.

18) " A method was now established to identify bacteria feeding on the mucus layer with single-cell resolution.

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