
bacterium consume in a sentence

1) Heterotrophic bacteria consume autotrophs or other heterotrophs. 9.

2) Several studies suggest that bacteria has consumed a part of oil in the sea.

bacterium collocations
3) Under aerobic conditions, bacteria rapidly consume organic matter and convert it into carbon dioxide.

4) Certain beneficial bacteria consume Ammonia and convert it to Nitrites in the process.

bacterium consume example sentences

5) In non-methanogenic subjects, sulphate reducing bacteria consume some of the hydrogen produced in fermentation.

6) If pieces do make it to the ocean floor, crabs and bacteria consume them.

7) If the pond bacteria is consuming enough of the nutrients then the algae will not thrive.

8) As the bacteria consume the sugar and use it for their own energy, they produce lactic acid.

9) When bacteria consume a plant's organic waste, they release electrons, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen ions.

10) In the secondary treatment stage, the wastewater is sent to large tanks where bacteria consume nutrients and organic materials.

11) Quantitative measurements show that in methanogenic subjects the majority of gaseous hydrogen produced from fermentation is consumed by methanogenic bacteria.

12) The bacteria consume the iron in the hull, oxidizing it and leaving rust particles behind as a waste product.

13) Decomposition by bacteria consumes oxygen and may decrease or even completely deplete dissolved oxygen contents of some lakes during the summer.

14) Tests with "Bacillus infernus" reveal that the bacterium easily consumes and destroys Andromeda because of Andromeda's sulfur structure.

example sentences with bacterium

15) Biochemical oxygen demand (tons per day) Biochemical oxygen demand is a measure of the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria in breaking down waste.

16) Please advise how to proceed from here.the crash in the trickle is helpful, but the aerobic (oxygen loving) bacteria consume oxygen.

17) In the rumen, H 2 is consumed by methanogenic bacteria and similarly, in methanogenic human subjects, 75% of the hydrogen excreted is as methane.

18) These nitrate reducing (denitrifying) bacteria quickly consume the dissolved oxygen entering into the burrow walls to create the oxic mud layer that is thinner than that at the mud surface.

19) When the algae dies, it sinks into coastal waters where it is consumed by bacteria, along with most or all of the oxygen in the water.

20) Is this something I should worry about, or is it just going through some sort of small cycling process?Probably free floating bacteria consuming some of the die off from the lives and.

21) Second, the increasing load of organic matter creates higher Biological/ Oxygen Demand with bacteria consuming both oxygen and the organics.

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