
bacteriocyte in a sentence

1) bacteriocytes are large, polyploid cells surrounded by a thin lining of flat sheath cells.

2) These encased cells are then grouped into specialized, aphid-derived bacteriocytes (mycetocytes).

3) Essential amino acids are provided to aphids by bacterial endosymbionts, harboured in special cells, bacteriocytes.

4) There are about 60-80 bacteriocytes in each pea aphid and are organized into the bi-lobed bacteriome.

bacteriocyte example sentences

5) bacteriocytes are located near the ovariole cluster and "Buchnera" cells are vertically transferred from the mother's ovaries through transovarial transmission.

6) Isolated bacteriocytes containing "Buchnera" have been shown to actively take up 14C labeled glutamine (a nonessential amino acid) where it is then converted into glutamic acid.

7) The primary symbiont is "Wigglesworthia" within bacteriocytes, the secondary symbiont is "Sodalis" intercellularly or intracellularly, and the third is some kind of "Wolbachia".

8) "A. pisum" specific gene duplications of amino acid transporters highly expressed in bacteriocytes have been observed.

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