
bacterial phyla in a sentence

1) There are no fixed rules to the nomenclature of bacterial phyla.

2) Around 1000 species of bacteria from 19 bacterial phyla have been found.

bacterial collocations
3) For bacterial phyla it was proposed that the suffix -bacteria be used for phyla.

4) See the article: Branching order of bacterial phyla (Cavalier-Smith, 2002).

bacterial phyla example sentences

5) The bacterial phyla are the major lineages (phyla or divisions) of the domain "Bacteria".

6) This is beneficial in assessing microbial diversity due to the fact that the 16S rRNA gene does not vary much in size across bacterial phyla.

7) The SOS response is known to be widespread in the Bacteria domain, but it is mostly absent in some bacterial phyla, like the Spirochetes.

8) bacterial phyla, the other major lineages of domain Bacteria

9) Branching order of bacterial phyla (Woese, 1987)

10) Branching order of bacterial phyla after ARB Silva Living Tree

11) Branching order of bacterial phyla (Ciccarelli et al., 2006)

12) bacterial phyla","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1140074041}

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