
backwoodsman in a sentence

1) He was a man of the backwoodsmen's own sort.

2) The backwoodsman refers to his life as a frontierman.

3) A backwoodsman named Adam Pontipee comes to town to search for a bride.

4) Lord Hesketh, the government's chief whip, knows that backwoodsmen need delicate handling.

backwoodsman example sentences

5) This is no humble country teacher, a backwoodsman full of old-fashioned humour and wise observations.

6) A former backwoodsman and country lawyer, Abraham Lincoln rose to become one of our greatest presidents.

7) After the excise tax, the backwoodsmen complained the tax fell on them rather than on the consumers.

8) From time to time, at long intervals, adventurous clergy found their way among the uncouth backwoodsmen.

9) As the Portuguese settled along the coast, they made their way into the hinterland as ' (backwoodsmen).

10) The Upper Canada Rebellion is sometimes dismissed as a "farmers' revolt," an opportunistic action by misled backwoodsmen.

11) The film chronicles the depraved and violent impulses of the young Tennessee backwoodsman after he is dispossessed of his ancestral land.

12) As a true patriot I should be ashamed to think that Adam in paradise was more favorably situated on the whole than the backwoodsman in this country.

13) I thought of the movie 'Deliverance' once again, and remembered how that backwoodsman had shot Drew in the head from above as Drew sat paddling in the bow of the canoe.

14) Across the nation aristocratic backwoodsmen, a tribe previously thought to be on the verge of extinction, tottered off to the nearest railway station to obey the summons.

example sentences with backwoodsman

15) Oops – yes, forgot to mention, I bought Creekmore's book from a favorite print magazine (The Backwoodsman), its a really good book.

16) In any event, a Conservative Cabinet can always rely on its 'backwoodsmen' to get it out of trouble if its more usual supporters amongst the Peers show an inclination to reject an executive decision.

17) Then he plodded back on horseback, nearly freezing by the way, through York, McConnellsburg, Greensburg, and Pittsburg to Ohio, and began his life's work as bishop and backwoodsman.

18) Second, on a tour of the provinces in the summer of 1858 Alexander made plain to backwoodsmen that their committees should take a positive view of the reformist enterprise.

19) Has he forgotten, in just an hour and a half, the pleasure that he gave to his own backwoodsmen by telling stories about multiple applications?

20) A crusty individualistic backwoodsman character literally comes with the territory, the best example being Hiram Taine, the protagonist of "The Big Front Yard".

21) Fourth category were Indians and coureurs de bois, backwoodsmen, (picture, ext.link) they were employed for scouting and patrol work.

22) In the Northeast, a New Hampshire backwoodsman, Robert Rogers, began to make a stir in the British military establishment for his success using the tactics of the "little war".

23) In 1913, writing on his own, Hesketh-Prichard created the crime-fighting figure "November Joe", a hunter and backwoodsman from the Canadian wilderness.

24) There he was joined by Christopher Gist, an Ohio Company agent who was familiar with the territory, and a few backwoodsmen to assist with expedition logistics.

25) Backwoodsman.

26) In Upper Canada, he was also known as The Doctor, Peter Poundtext, or Ursa Major and often as The Backwoodsman.

27) Within the Ottoman Empire, the name "Turk" was sometimes used to denote the Turkmen backwoodsmen, bumpkins, or the illiterate peasants in Anatolia.

28) When Greene heard of Tarleton's approach, he sent Brigadier General Daniel Morgan and his backwoodsmen over the Appalachian Mountains to stop him.

29) In 1778, at the height of the American Revolution, backwoodsmen from Pennsylvania, Virginia, and what is now Kentucky took part in George Rogers Clark's Illinois campaign.

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