
backwards and forwards in a sentence

1) This sentence actually reads true both backwards and forwards .

2) He started shaking it backwards and forwards.

backwards collocations
3) This situation really happened to be backwards and forwards.

4) Now the rope began to swing backwards and forwards.

backwards and forwards example sentences

5) I waved my light backwards and forwards across the window.

6) She rocked backwards and forwards on the bench.

7) It's just been moved backwards and forwards!

8) Most generators produce alternating current, which flows backwards and forwards.

9) Sammy ran backwards and forwards barking ecstatically.

10) S see that everything's going backwards and forwards.

11) I haven't actually done the tally backwards and forwards.

12) You can read it the same backwards and forwards.

13) The tall Zimbabwean paced nervously backwards and forwards.

14) She cackled and rocked backwards and forwards.

example sentences with backwards

15) He jerked his head backwards and forwards.

16) Words were flying backwards and forwards without concepts riding on their backs.

17) I can easily skim text and jump backwards and forwards.

18) He heard Lee flicking the switch backwards and forwards.

19) She made them walk backwards and forwards, and then trot.

20) Yes, you just rock it backwards and forwards.

21) You know your company and your products backwards and forwards.

22) The rear seat bench can be specified to slide backwards and forwards.

23) He was restlessly scanning the quay, searching backwards and forwards.

24) He'll go backwards and forwards in that field so often.

25) The irregular echo of footsteps passed backwards and forwards along the corridor outside.

26) She rocked backwards and forwards, convulsed with helpless mirth.

27) Just back like a yoyo, backwards and forwards.

How to use backwards in a sentence

28) Generally Cowboys' breezes are liable to swing movement backwards and forwards.

29) The cross is meant to be imagined as oscillating backwards and forwards.

30) She rocked Kim backwards and forwards.

31) You know it backwards and forwards .

32) Test; the yarn must run freely so move it backwards and forwards.

33) The story then moves off into this dream world of backwards and forwards.

34) That is, both perform the same footwork when moving backwards and forwards.

35) The back foot moves backwards and forwards as the punter makes each stroke.

36) Click on the black arrowheads to move backwards and forwards through the file.

37) Angalo swung it backwards and forwards.

38) It's simpler to miss components should you by pass backwards and forwards although.

39) Can you wiggle your b ankle backwards and forwards, that's okay.

40) Some Congressmen have switched backwards and forwards and around and about several times.

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You can easily memorize the word and the meaning of backwards and forwards
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Always focus on the learning on sentences with backwards and forwards
We believe you will easily learn to write and use the word backwards and forwards in a sentence.
You can practice spelling and usage of the word by getting 10 examples of sentences with backwards and forwards.
20 examples of simple sentences of backwards and forwards. We tried to find and publish the the words with Simple Sentences of backwards and forwards
Compound Sentences with backwards and forwards
Complex Sentences with backwards and forwards
Compound-Complex Sentences with backwards and forwards
in a sentence