
backward looking in a sentence

1) This keeps the discussion negative and backward looking.

2) They were backward looking and based on small samples.

backward collocations
3) Reflection is often thought of as a backward looking process.

4) backward looking stupidity that will win them no friends.

backward looking example sentences

5) However, Muldoon's Government was not entirely backward looking.

6) This should be backward looking.

7) I do wonder if the study is somewhat backward looking as consumers are getting more independent.

8) For the determination of current interest rates, however, this backward looking observation is irrelevant.

9) I do not think that I am necessarily backward looking, but I have concerns.

10) The Tory poster campaign, too, has been criticised for being too backward looking and negative.

11) In all cases, they are backward looking views that don't necessarily tell the story tomorrow.

12) The backward looking telescope provides a second view of the target area in Band 3 for stereo observations.

13) What's really important is, are we going to have forward looking copyright or backward looking copyright?

14) This would be backward looking; using the statement to prove belief or memory but to prove past acts.

example sentences with backward

15) There was little nostalgia and backward looking in the dynamic North and West during the "Gilded Age".

16) Permissible backward looking aspect : it shows they planned to do something and they met to make that plan.

17) Everything about this leader is backward looking, trying to turn the country back to halcyon days which never existed.

18) Its monumental neoclassicism was seen as backward looking and the pillared hall were criticised for being reminiscent of the Nazi period.

19) MSNBC is as backward looking as they come--how else could they rewrite historical events to suit their purpose without looking backwards?

20) Also, I'm probably backward looking in worrying about nuclear anyway; it will probably be something awful and biological.

21) Although the idea ran counter to the established presentation of rich, full-color spreads and advertising, the "backward looking" black and whites have been tremendously popular.

22) Competency models, when they have been customized to fit the business, are often generic, backward looking or only loosely tied to the learning activities that take place.

23) It brings the work to its brilliant conclusion, with a unique combination of the backward looking "stile antico" in the pedal and the forward looking "stile moderno" in the upper parts.

24) Reciprocity (favoring previous organ donors or veterans) might seem like justice, but is backward looking and could lead to demeaning and intrusive inquiries into lifestyle.

25) Chris Heaton-Harris, a Conservative MP who led a successful back-bench campaign to cut the consumer subsidy to wind farms, said: "This IPCC report is backward looking.

26) It is easy to understand this sense of belonging existentially backward looking - tradition as inheritance, as a "residual" element in the contemporary mix.

27) I still give Morrissey the benefit of the doubt on this, even through his backward looking 'patriotism' makes me stop and rethink.

28) Tar sands oil is known to be the dirtiest forms, from its extraction to its refining, from deforestation to carbon gas production it is a backward looking solution to a long term problem.

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