
backroom boy in a sentence

1) He was no longer a green 'backroom boy'.

2) He says much of his success is down to the backroom boys.

backroom collocations
3) But because no one would volunteer, we had to use backroom boys.

4) Others were all backroom boys.

backroom boy example sentences

5) They were the backroom boys who tested the planes which helped win the battle of Britain.

6) He knows the players, the coaches, the backroom boys and most importantly, the fans.

7) I think you'd better be a financial adviser - one of the bank's backroom boys.

8) Reg was already a well respected backroom boy and came to the club from highflying Walborough Solid Fuel Albion.

9) Poor eyesight had prevented Thomas from qualifying as a pilot; but he was not content to be a backroom boy.

10) Wrzesnewskyj stated that "Party elite needs to be ousted" and that he "is hoping to "unwedge the backroom boys" and open the party up through a grassroots effort to sign up new members.

11) A cluster of top stars, including Bob Hoskins and Dennis Hopper, were signed for the £30 million film - PLUS Oscar-winning backroom boys behind such hits as The Commitments and Dances With Wolves.

12) NW, You the backroom boys and al the players have done a terrific job, kept us in the league, in the play offs, Stay with us, you have more to do at the club.

13) He's not standing this time and has been replaced by one of the Liberal Democrats' top backroom boys Sir William Goodhart.

14) You're the toast of the IMP backroom boys, and now I can see why!'

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