
backpedal in a sentence

1) The high-speed backpedaling makes true fast breaks a rarity.

2) The ironic thing is that the US is actually backpedaling now.

3) So what did Lee do while backpedaling toward the stands ?

4) She looks like nature decided for a male and then backpedaled.

backpedal example sentences

5) This person may be backpedaling on what you considered a promise .

6) He kept his balance, backpedalled at pace and covered both players.

7) Take note of caveats for future backpedaling.

8) Netflix all over again, starting some crap and then backpedaling.

9) Could be a beat slow when getting out of his backpedal.

10) Indeed, the government later had to backpedal as the crisis unfolded.

11) Braking was accomplished by backpedaling, which activated a rear coaster brake.

12) Elliott backpedalled fast, then circled to Culley's left.

13) When you backpedal, the brushes and degreaser work some magic.

14) In the days after the report's release, FIFA did some backpedaling.

example sentences with backpedal

15) The Indians repeatedly took the ball to the German circle only to backpedal.

16) Why do you think the IPCC is backpedalling so hard on climate sensitivity ?

17) The administration quickly backpedaled, and the once-highly touted Road Map essentially died.

18) Tecumseh agreed to fight rear guard actions, but would backpedal only so far.

19) Boring was a five-man, backpedaling Jacques-Martin trap.

20) He then backpedals about his membership stating that he his not really a member.

21) Jackson also issued a statement that backpedalled on assertions that Deen held " racist views.

22) I have always believed that they backpedaled publicly but kept pushing for prosecution behind closed doors .

23) And you can thrill to the spectacle of Chuck Hagel backpedaling at Olympic speeds .

24) In the Second Test we struggled for possession and spent the whole match backpedalling'.

25) Nice how ID activists seem to be backpedalling as to the scientific relevance of ID.

26) The guys at the DI do more backpedaling than a pack of clowns on unicycles.

27) This ensures that the cog cannot unscrew when the rider "backpedals" while braking.

How to use backpedal in a sentence

28) Well, rest assured, you do not have to slowly backpedal your way there.

29) Then a surprising thing happens - Goldias backpedals away from Jeffrey, calling him by name.

30) Offering a dimpled grin as he backpedalled, Robin taunted, "You keep repeating yourself.

31) Yet, the 5'11", 180-pounder has loose hips and a quick backpedal.

32) Nabiki: (backpedaling) Shampoo, Nabiki SUE!

33) M$ has started to backpedal, and are somewhat aware of how badly they've misstepped.

34) This was a stretch despite how they explained it, and supposedly backpedal in the next film.

35) An act of fate does not socialize monastery for parenting, bedroom what you backpedal to think.

36) Only when the German court reached its verdict did Erdogan begin to backpedal, promising an investigation.

37) They were worse in the early going as the major indices backpedaled quickly at the start of trading.

38) Youri and Ped hauled the West Ham defence left and right and the defenders began to backpedal.

39) Obummer has just about destroyed himself with his constant backpedalling and blaming everyone but himself for his problems .

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