
backlot in a sentence

1) Another portion of the backlot was sold in 1974.

2) Just three years later another deliberate fire was started in the backlot.

3) Hollywood moves from the studio backlots into the real mean streets.

4) In 1997, the seventh fire occurred at the backlot.

backlot example sentences

5) The "new house" stood on the Universal backlot.

6) The train is now a stationary train in the backlot.

7) The exterior shots were filmed on the Universal Studios backlot.

8) In both cases, the backlot facades were then rebuilt.

9) He was at present enjoying Bodies On The Backlot.

10) Instead, five soundstages on the Paramount backlot were used.

11) The facility will be comprised by six sound stages and a backlot.

12) Another backlot fire on September 6, 1997 again damaged Courthouse Square.

13) These paintings and many others are likely hidden away in a dusty backlot warehouse.

14) Filming mainly took place on the Universal Studios backlot in Los Angeles.

example sentences with backlot

15) It was one of the last Western shows to use the backlot.

16) A massive tent was used to cover the backlot and shoot day for night.

17) The studio features a large soundstage, Studio backlot featuring commercial and residential buildings.

18) Another Frightmares haunt, Deception, was replaced with Backlot.

19) Universal Studios Hollywood's backlot has been damaged by fire nine times throughout its history.

20) Hollywood Pictures backlot had lack of focus on the restaurants, shops and attractions.

21) We're just building that, at the moment, on the backlot.

22) The movie was filmed at the backlot of Churubusco Studios in Mexico City.

23) The majority of filming required sound stages and backlots from Barrandov Studios in Prague.

24) The Underworld factory was previously filmed within its building on the backlot at Granada Studios.

25) Shooting continued on Hollywood studio backlot streets that recreated the 1938 version of New York.

26) These were digitally combined into the fight, which was shot at the Universal backlot.

27) It was mostly shot on the Universal backlot and in a number of sound stages.

How to use backlot in a sentence

28) His part was filmed in less than three weeks on a Hollywood backlot 50 years ago.

29) The ship's garage was built on the backlot of Pinewood Studios in England.

30) The coaster would later be renamed the "backlot Stunt Coaster" in 2008.

31) Instead they chose Colonial Street, a backlot street set at Universal Studios Hollywood.

32) Instead they filmed it on the Universal Studios backlot, where they had more control.

33) Finally, 12 weeks of filming were done on the backlot and soundstages at MGM.

34) The set on a backlot was based around a bridge and reused some of Moria.

35) Sometime in the 1950s, it was assembled with other homes on the backlot.

36) Most of the series was filmed at the Sullivan Studio and backlot in Toronto.

37) Disney's "ElecTRONica" is an interactive nighttime dance party in Hollywood Pictures Backlot.

38) The backlot's New York Street and Tenement Street depicted downtown Los Angeles.

39) The last shooting done on the backlot was the introductory material for "That's Entertainment!

40) backlot Brawl - The match always takes place in the back lot of the arena.

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