
backing material in a sentence

1) Stab and spike armor standards have been developed using 3 different backing materials .

2) This recreates a soft lambswool fleece onto a cotton backing material .

backing collocations
3) Wool rugs are made from stronger carpet wool fibres woven or injected into a backing material .

4) The backing materials cannot be separated from the blisters or replaced without leaving visible evidence of entry.

backing material example sentences

5) The backing material cannot be separated from the plastic bubble or replaced without leaving visible evidence of entry.

6) The reason is that this technique requires a thicker backing material that can be carved into or cast away.

7) Originally, wetsuits were made only with raw sheets of foam-rubber neoprene that did not have any backing material .

8) However, vinyl sheet flooring manufactured before the mid-1980s may contain high levels of asbestos in its backing material .

9) Typical quilting is done with 3 layers: the top fabric or quilt top, batting or insulating material and backing material .

10) Early backing materials included the casings of old model T batteries, old phonograph records, and more recently epoxy steel resins.

11) Once the glass is fitted it will magnify any hairs that are on the backing material, and therefore ruin the picture.

12) It takes and breaks up the projectile so it's no longer a single point of energy and can be more easily stopped by the backing material .

13) A washable fitted carpet is best in the bathroom and well-fitting washable carpet tiles, with a backing material that prevents it from creeping, in the kitchen.

14) The backing material also allows the liquid water produced at the cathode to leave the cell so it doesn't "flood".

example sentences with backing

15) A typical adhesive tape consists of a adhesive material (the sticky part of the tape) attached to a backing material that provides strength and protection.

16) A "coated abrasive" comprises an abrasive fixed to a backing material such as paper, cloth, rubber, resin, polyester or even metal, many of which are flexible.

17) A total of 2,588 items were treated; though in most cases this consisted only of the application of a backing material, work on badly degraded older material is much more labour-intensive.

18) The Draft EU norm calls out Roma clay, The California DOC called out 60% ballistic gelatin and the current standard for NIJ and HOSDB calls out a multi-part foam and rubber backing material .

19) Ballistic testing has a number of sources of variability: the armor, test backing materials, bullet, casing, powder, primer and the gun barrel, to name a few.

20) The "backface signature," or transmitted impact energy, is measured by shooting armor mounted in front of a backing material, typically oil-based modeling clay.

21) The tape was coated with a slippery backing material, usually graphite and patented by Bernard Cousino, to ease the continuous slip between the tape layers.

22) To produce The Hospital Nursing Fleece, wool is shorn from the sheep and knitted into a backing material ; creating a surface that looks and feels like a sheepskin fleece.

23) When the tesserae are set, however, the backing material is torn or scrubbed off, and the required design is revealed (for the first time).

24) If I had to do over again I would likely go for a slightly thicker backing material and perhaps have a shorter tail attached.

25) The correct backing material allows the right amount of water vapor to reach the membrane/electrode assembly to keep the membrane humidified.

26) The porous nature of the backing material ensures effective diffusion of each reactant gas to the catalyst on the membrane/electrode assembly.

27) Although harder and less deformable than human tissue, Roma represents a "worst case" backing material when plastic deformations in the oil/clay are low (less than 20 mm).

28) The majority of military and law enforcement standards have settled on an oil/clay mixture for the backing material, known as Roma Plastilena.

29) Friedrich Matthias of IG Farben/BASF developed the recording tape, including the oxide, the binder, and the backing material .

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