
backing for in a sentence

1) They again offered strong economic backing for reforms.

2) Public backing for the strike was high.

backing collocations
3) This reality supported providing federal backing for a second airport.

4) One important factor in test backing for armor is its hardness.

backing for example sentences

5) I believe he already has backing for that.

6) Newman needed to find financial backing for his first season.

7) They also provide backing for all interior and exterior finishes.

8) And more importantly the backing for socialism was thrown back quite considerably.

9) Platonic dialogues often deal with the backing for warrants.

10) Mr. Bennett said he had Administration backing for his proposal.

11) There are strong suspicions of implicit backing for the anti-African demonstrations.

12) He has provided guitar backing for his mother's band during live concerts.

13) New club owner John W. Henry stated his backing for Hodgson.

14) backing for the cap badge was of circular maroon cloth.

example sentences with backing

15) The student's experiment provides good backing for Mendel's theory.

16) From then Singaravelar started seeking political backing for the working class movement.

17) It was traditionally used as backing for linoleum, rugs and carpet.

18) They provide backing for such shattering conclusions as the following: s fly.

19) Today we need a spiritual approach that provide powerful backing for environmental action.

20) So far, however, he has won little international backing for action.

21) Together these responses indicated 51 percent backing for expansion of the voucher program.

22) However, he was unable to obtain financial backing for his planned expedition.

23) Conservative regional council chiefs denounced the idea and declared their backing for Congress.

24) Financial backing for a fashion label is not just about financing talented designers.

25) I was surprised to find backing for my analysis from an unexpected source.

26) Mathews had no academic qualifications and received no university backing for his research.

27) The Revisionist Movement made up a popular backing for the underground organization.

How to use backing in a sentence

28) Independent India has not seen such corporate backing for any political party or individual.

29) Naturally, all proponents of each conflicting position claim scriptural backing for their heresy.

30) The King now had full backing for collecting lay subsidies from the entire population.

31) It is understood the financial backing for the plan has yet to be finalised.

32) Reserve backing for the dollar deteriorated more in 1970 than during the previous decade.

33) EU leaders at a summit expressed political backing for the Libyan National Council.

34) It should have a vinyl backing for durability and to provide a vapor barrier.

35) They believe they will be able to obtain ample financial backing for the venture.

36) Efforts began to secure FDIC backing for banks not actually bankrupted by the collapse.

37) Two fish factories have secured Shetland Islands Council backing for refurbishment to European standards.

38) Angola's civil war involved Cuban, American and Chinese backing for differing groups.

39) All ranks wear a rifle green beret with a cherry coloured backing for the badge.

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