
backing come in a sentence

1) New backing instead came from Porsche Great Britain.

2) backing also came from leading local landowners.

backing collocations
3) Our backing also comes in two colors; gloss white and matte black.

4) backings come primarily in two types: cutaway and tear-away.

backing come example sentences

5) backing has also come from the Strathfoyle Community Association, which has just celebrated its 20th anniversary.

6) In light of apparent systemic risks facing the banking system, the adequacy of FDIC's financial backing has come into question.

7) This backing came in the form of a supporters group known as the Sons of Ben, which was founded in January 2007.

8) The team was the primary entrant of the new GTi version of the Volkswagen Golf, which had been launched in 1976, and primary backing came from Volkswagen Great Britain.

9) The government backing came as part of a proposal to nationalise the railways, which would require a standard fleet of locomotives to promote economies in production and maintenance.

10) During this decade, financial backing came from businessman Martti Rinta, who in 1982 paid all the debts of the club, which amounted to 600 000 Finnish marks.

11) Financial backing came down from Pearl, but Judson still made decisions on their own, setting their own strategic goals independently of Pearl.

12) More substantial backing came from John Roebuck, the founder of the celebrated Carron Iron Works, near Falkirk, with whom he now formed a partnership.

13) Other backing came from German government funds for start-ups and BMW, the Munich-based carmaker which used 3D printing to make small runs of prototype parts for some high-performance vehicles.

14) Both the initial idea and the financial backing came from the Inter-American Commission for Women (OAS dependency) and the project has been given no financial assistance from the government itself.

example sentences with backing

15) The railway's engineering genius was George Stephenson ( q.v. ) and the financial backing came from a local Quaker businessman, Edward Pease.

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