
background score in a sentence

1) Both movies are remembered for its excellent background original score .

2) The background score remained incomplete and delayed release by one week.

background collocations
3) Mickey Meyer's background score made a mark.

4) Both the awards were for the background score in films.

background score example sentences

5) The film's background score was released as a separate CD.

6) This dub's background score was composed by Nathan Johnson.

7) The background score was composed by Devi Sri Prasad.

8) The background score is composed by Salim-Sulaiman.

9) The soundtrack album and background score were composed by Vidyasagar.

10) Salim-Sulaiman started by composing background scores for the movies.

11) The soundtrack and background score were composed by Ilaiyaraaja.

12) S. Thaman composed the music and background score .

13) A. R. Rahman provided the background score for a single sequence.

14) The background score and songs were composed by A. R. Rahman.

example sentences with background

15) background score adds volume to the story, supporting it substantially well.

16) So award given for best music direction and background score of this film.

17) Santhosh Narayanan composed the songs and background score .

18) Domalpalli used Carnatic music for the background score .

19) The background score was composed by Babloo Chakravarty.

20) But you would've missed a memorable background score and striking sound design.

21) The music was composed by Pritam with background score by Salim-Sulaiman.

22) Initially, the film was planned with only background score and no songs.

23) The background score was composed by the Chennai-based Saraswathi Stores Orchestra.

24) The background score, also by Rahman, is minimal, but effective.

25) S S Thaman's background score too is appealing and provides the right atmosphere.

26) Ramana Gogula background score was good and songs were worth watching more than hearing.

27) The trailer was well received and appreciated by critics, especially the featured background score .

How to use background in a sentence

28) It made him grasp the nuances required in composing a film's background music score .

29) Recorded a song for the background score of Sillunu Oru Kadhal.

30) background score was done by Hitesh Sonik u0026 Clinton Cerejo.

31) The background score has been composed by G. V. Prakash Kumar along with five songs.

32) His songs and background score played a very crucial role in the success of many films.

33) The background score by Debajyoti Mishra is suitable to the tone of the film.

34) background score was completed by Anirudh after Harris left the project due to other commitments.

35) Imman had tweeted, "The background score is in full swing, and nearing completion.

36) The background score was performed by Saraswathy Stores Orchestra, AVM's music troupe.

37) Salim-Sulaiman provided the background score .

38) But it was Chowta's haunting background score that created waves and overshadowed the original score.

39) The highly acclaimed music and background score for the film is composed by A. R. Rahman.

40) First, Raju Singh's background score was effective and powerful in complementing the narrative.

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