
background foreground in a sentence

1) It is a lens which make a subject stand out from its background and foreground .

2) The defocusing simply softens the background or foreground more than it would be with other lenses.

background collocations
3) So too, both pictures merge the model with the environment, blurring the distinction between background and foreground .

4) The background and foreground are in a constant state of flux, either fading in or out of view.

background foreground example sentences

5) There is also an interface for processing formatting options called IVFormat which generalizes some of the general node and edge format options (background, foreground, font, size, etc).

6) Director Peyton Reed even went through the trouble to shoot scenes in cars like they did in the 60s, with the moving traffic background and still interior foreground .

7) If the terminal supports other escape sequences to set background and foreground, they should be coded as setf and setb, respectively.

8) But you don't have to follow that rule and when you break it, it throws the background or foreground into an even softer or dreamier state.

9) Without giving away anything, the characters that he provides us in Thirteen Moons are marvelous and provide a rich tapestry....a background and foreground on which the story plays.

10) In the background and foreground, the fire-damaged remnants of a home such as a TV set, fur coats and a stereo system are scattered across the landscape.

11) Audrey Drake of IGN noted that the 3D effect made it difficult to distinguish certain platforms between background and foreground, a complaint shared by Douglas.

12) According to Soar, Eugenides did "both background and foreground in all the necessary detail", seamlessly shifting from past to present.

13) Each pair is used individually on each separate element that adds depth to a scene, like background, foreground and characters, without adjusting for the relation with the other pairs.

14) Peckinpah and his cinematographer, Lucien Ballard, also made use of telephoto lenses, that allowed for objects and people in both the background and foreground to be compressed in perspective.

example sentences with background

15) In practice, the lens f-number is usually adjusted until the background or foreground is acceptably blurred, often without direct concern for the DOF.

16) Two or more of da Vinci's students would then paint different parts of the work, dividing it either by background and foreground, or by figures in a multi-figure composition.

17) There's a significant amount of happening in the background and foreground, when truly, all you want to observe may be the food.

18) Again, I'd argue that due to the simpler composition - background, foreground - it's less busy and the effect is more convincing.

19) The slight and subtle variation offered by reversing the colours of background and foreground on 'Laura Ashley's' tiny prints became the leitmotif of a generation.

20) Combining the choice of the right lens, background, foreground, angle, perspective, focal length, aperture, and so on.

21) Stop and look at the whole scene, background and foreground and evaluate each aspect including the light if it's variable

22) Player 2 now takes a picture with this building / object in the frame, but again with something else in the background or foreground, which will be the linking element in the next image.

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