
background detail in a sentence

1) There's another interesting background detail in that story.

2) This article will provide some background detail on these different sources.

background collocations
3) As they wait, they fill in the background details.

4) But ta for the background detail .

background detail example sentences

5) Students studying war poetry in English will also find valuable background detail here.

6) background details are culled from other Krypton stories.

7) There are background details worth reasserting.

8) There are very few background details given about the seventh Clayface's past.

9) A fleshing out of a background detail from the Road Warriors supplement.

10) The InfoPack comes with new characters, locations and extra information and background details.

11) The HDR features lets you see the foreground, without sacrificing the background detail.

12) That tangible cause-and-effect is not background detail; it's part of the game.

13) The more background detail you 're aware of, the less saleable you generally are.

14) A Visitor Centre provides graphic background details to the history of the abbey and town.

example sentences with background

15) Now perhaps I should provide some background detail of my own by way of explanation.

16) Landscape is often richly described but relegated as a background detail before the early 16th century.

17) The book includes cast and crew interviews, episode guides and a background detail on real-life forensics.

18) The book features episode summaries, character overviews, and additional background details on the Gantz universe.

19) For " RU Golf," the Tegra 4 provides a much needed boost in background detail.

20) The iconography was embedded in the work unobtrusively; typically the references comprised small but key background details.

21) Visual jokes abound, and it's advisable to pay attention to the background details in the set.

22) background details: You can send a NOTIFY with 'Event: reboot' to the phone.

23) Neither will a great deal of background detail be presented since this material has been covered by other authors.

24) Many of his compositions play with the merging of foreground, middle-distance and background details into one overlapping pattern.

25) However, gamers have decided more background detail and atmospheric effects and all the other immersion details are more important.

26) This was written during production, and contained many additional scenes and extra background detail not included in the original scripts.

27) On the early maps which used a geographic background, main line railways were shown as part of the background detail.

How to use background in a sentence

28) A perfectly good adventure trip story, sure, but all the little background details just sit there on painted canvas.

29) I watched hours of period newsreels, and old movies with an eye to background detail and an ear to diction.

30) Various colonies on other planets, used as both settings and background detail in "Dredd" and its spin-off strips.

31) The faces and bodies of the blind men, and background detail including the church, are rendered in exceptionally fine detail.

32) background detail is often limited to a simple horizon line broken up by the occasional silhouettes of a stray volcano or cloud.

33) He eventually persuades Vic to loan him the key to his mobile home, in order to gather clues and background details.

34) You can easily make out background detail during dark scenes, which wasn't always the case on the 46PFL6907.

35) Allan provided background details in the collection, detailing the reactions of some interviewees to their stories and evaluations by Allan herself.

36) He circulated a paper with background details on the family and a photograph of Densen and Netsai Mafinyani and their two boys.

37) The data are too few to come to any definite conclusions, but what is available will be referred to briefly here, and reference should be made to the appendix for the background detail.

38) The local newspapers of your grandfather's home town may have reported his being wounded and his marriage may have been reported with some background details in the town where he married.

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