
background color in a sentence

1) Another common problem is missing background colors or images.

2) Otherwise the default background color is used.

background collocations
3) The initial background color of each window is white.

4) And set the background color and font.

background color example sentences

5) The most common example is changing the background color .

6) Any with those approved greeting lines keeps its white background color .

7) The background colors are blocked in and refined.

8) I started with a base background color .

9) To start, set a background color .

10) Anybody been able to change background colors, yet?

11) I said earlier that this technique was independent of background color .

12) The solid background color now appears to have many different values.

13) background color of the image viewer, default is black.

14) All images are draw together, transparent in the background color .

example sentences with background

15) Let's set the background color to black.

16) First it paints in the background color .

17) Choosing the right background color was the most important thing.

18) However, the background color of outer space is black.

19) Change the background color of the entire live wallpaper!

20) background color of design must be white or black .

21) Then spray on whatever background color you want.

22) Fill the layer with your background color .

23) Sets the background color of the image.

24) High contrast between text and background colors to increase legibility.

25) The background color is automatically switched to white for readability.

26) How to change individual modal backdrop opacity and background color ?

27) However, you may wish to customize its background color .

How to use background in a sentence

28) The background color is not necessary but I find it useful.

29) You can choose the background color here as well.

30) I reversed the background color and made some other transformations.

31) They have different background colors depending on the year displayed.

32) background color denotes facility shared with Central Valley Project.

33) The 1430×720 can incorporate an image or background color .

34) background colors are usually not printed unless you change your browser settings.

35) As with previous vice presidential flags, the background color was white.

36) Each graphics window has a background color, which is initially white.

37) I suggest using the same background color and the same size font.

38) Is there a background, color, or tone?

39) Then, just select a background color and a .

40) background color is so important to the impact of a design.

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