
backend to in a sentence

1) Its capability to allow user choose which backend to use seems to be very popular.

2) There are lots of examples in the PowerPC and X86 backend to follow.

3) The interpreter uses LLVM as a backend to JIT-compile Pure programs to fast native code.

4) A proprietary port of the Wayland backend to the Raspberry Pi was completed in 2013.

backend to example sentences

5) Thankfully, these failures often give you the tech backend to quickly put together something that does work.

6) LDC uses the frontend from the reference compiler combined with LLVM as backend to produce efficient native code.

7) It uses a GUI-independent backend to handle vrflash, so it is very easy to implement another frontend.

8) I've just updated the backend to the latest version which adds photo uploads and some other features.

9) Clutch historically allowed writing queries in Clojure, support but you needed to add a JVM backend to CouchDB.

10) This aggressive coverstock produces easy length through the heads with unsurpassed traction in the mid-lane and backend to achieve ultimate hook .

11) He scraped the Taco Bell website to snag the data and used a python backend to compile that together into the menu.

12) Once the usage numbers fall to a certain level, you can then contract the backend to only support the new version.

13) TableGen doesn't care about the meaning of data (that is up to the backend to define), but it does care about syntax, and it enforces a simple type system.

14) After doing so, Hot developed a set of features that used Evri's backend to create an engaging, serendipitous experience for users.

example sentences with 0

15) I have used a couple wysiwyg's but found when the u003e u003e time came to get to the backend to edit the html I was not able to.

16) As the storage backend to many popular applications like Smugmug and Dropbox, AWS S3 has grown to massive scale, citing over 2 trillion objects stored in April 2013.

17) You can moderate on the backend to keep the crazies from taking over (or if you're just doing an event with middle schoolers and need to watch for inappropriate things).

18) The software uses BitTorrent in the backend to find and download movies, but eliminates the usual hassle of wading through sketchy torrent sites and waiting for download to complete.

19) It's particularly well suited for app backends too, as both the backend and mobile apps can talk to the same database, in theory eliminating the need for the backend to handle data syncing.

20) Samsung's contribution so far has been an ARM backend to Rust as well as the build infrastructure necessary to cross-compile to Android.

21) With videos it's even harder, my new phone only records in .3gp files(for video, Razr Maxx HD), which means you have to have more transcoding on the backend to make it available to others.

22) NET Web API for AJAX Applications Abstract: WebAPI provides a new framework for creating REST based APIs, but it can also act as a backend to typical AJAX operations.

23) Around mid-year 2000, ARM contributed a new backend to the GCC project that allowed one compiler build to support many of the ARM platforms including ARM u0026 Thumb.

24) Hence, if no cover can be found, Enna will simply uses backend to extract one frame from your movie and display it instead of a cover.

25) However, what makes it unique – as pointed out by ISC, is the fact that it uses a MySQL database backend to store password attempts.

26) Installing the mod_dav_svn backend to mod_dav, which uses Subversion's libraries to access the repository

27) It seems Pachube could be a powerful backend to a number of multi-user, mobile augmented/enhanced reality android applications?

28) "When customers click to buy, it will activate my people at the backend to get the product and have it delivered to them," he added.

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