
backcloth in a sentence

1) You must make your entire backcloth 42 feet by 25 feet.

2) The distant mountains form the backcloth of an opera set.

3) Therefore a backcloth is restricted by the viewing frame.

4) The classic √3:2 rectangle nicely contains an elliptical backcloth.

backcloth example sentences

5) Against this terrible backcloth, Mr Wilson faces a massive mountain.

6) So design one on the same scale as the backcloth.

7) Stars glittered with the brilliance of jewels against a velvet backcloth.

8) It reaches the backcloth PP in the illustration at M .

9) It is important to have a wide backcloth when considering these problems.

10) Objectives are important because they act as an essential backcloth to behaviour itself.

11) This is the backcloth to the dramatic events that were soon to follow.

12) For most of these productions Ralph has designed the sets and painted backcloths.

13) The toy theatre has two adjustable painted backcloths from the story of Peter Pan.

14) It had been provided with a new backcloth and costumes by Alexis Preller.

example sentences with backcloth

15) Commercial and industrial policy – including key infrastructure investments – must be seen against this backcloth.

16) Against this dark backcloth the morality and religion of Israel shines like a star.

17) Against this turbulent backcloth, the UK was seen as a "safe haven".

18) But that backcloth has changed .

19) This, then, is the backcloth against which Maidstone prison needs to be considered.

20) That the Code is a backcloth against which allegations of misconduct and unfitness to practise are judged.

21) The programme also included the Polovtsian dances from Prince Igor, for which a backcloth was needed.

22) Donald Mitchell writes that this interaction is the backcloth against which all Mahler's music can be considered.

23) The stage was usually fitted with the groove system for setting, with sliding flats, borders and backcloths.

24) So the whole proportion of this old backcloth must be altered, with five feet more designed all round.

25) The method of projecting a geometric box forward from a backcloth is ideally suited to the exploration of interiors .

26) Given a positive backcloth, constructive and honest appraisal is a challenging process, not something to be feared.

27) This novel and distinctive economic backcloth to the inter-war years had a number of important consequences for town planning.

28) In it there is an evocative language whose sensitivity could be extended into music and into the orchestral backcloth.

29) The objective, in turn, provides a backcloth against which to make choices about how best to behave.

30) And it was against this backcloth of public concern that the Spanish Civil War began on the 19 July 1936.

31) Nevertheless, against this backcloth, the associations have regular and detailed consultation with government departments, both formal and informal.

32) The observer's eye E on the CVR, and VPd, on the backcloth, are equidistant from origin O .

33) These shelter experiences are a fascinating aspect of the war on the home front, one that perhaps tends to be forgotten against the larger backcloth of the conflict.

34) Social conditions (poverty, family breakdown, generational unemployment) provide the backcloth to teachers' attempts to bring a better life to young people.

35) The 'motivation' for the session we watched was a backcloth of a ski slope; the children were divided into 2 teams and given a skier each to race down the slope.

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