backbone service in a sentence
1) The new NSFNET backbone network service began 1 July 1988.
2) From 1987 until April 1995, Merit re-engineered and managed the NSFNET backbone service .
backbone collocations
3) Because of these differences, the provision of Tier 1 backbone services is distinguished from that provided by other IBPs.
4) Thus the upgrade of the NSFNET backbone service to T3 was not only a technological and organizational challenge of the highest order.
backbone service example sentences
5) However, they felt constrained by the NSF's Acceptable Use Policy, which specified the nature of traffic allowed to traverse the NSFNET backbone service .6) Both STRATA and All West are among the eight telephone companies serving the state whose backbone services are provided by the Utah Fiber Network (UFN), which is also built on Metaswitch.
7) The well developed C-Train system along with several mainline bus routes provide the backbone of the system while many feeder bus routes and express services act to complement this backbone service .
8) One option in order to permit the merger to go through reportedly is for Sprint to divest itself of its Internet backbone services .
9) Typically, a representative Internet communication consists of an ISP sending data from one of its customers to the IBP that the ISP uses for backbone services .
10) As part of the project, tenders will soon be sought for a backbone X25 service which will interlink national public or private networks used for research in European states.
11) As part of this phenomenon, the NSFNET backbone service provided a model for future partnerships as well as a legacy of technology for the world."
12) By working on the NSFNET backbone service, we learned a lot about TCP/IP and were able to address these needs common in many academic environments."
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