
backbencher in a sentence

1) backbenchers and party grassroots became ever more angry.

2) Over half the backbenchers are regularly involved with select committee activity.

3) In 1911 Liberal backbenchers did establish their own unofficial committee.

4) Tory backbenchers consider it money well spent.

backbencher example sentences

5) backbenchers would have welcomed more fresh blood.

6) Will comfortably feed about 100 Conservative backbenchers.

7) An idea sure to appeal to any ambitious backbencher seeking promotion.

8) Its next major measure was forced upon it by Labour backbenchers.

9) Caldwell served as a government backbencher after leaving cabinet.

10) It's a favourite haunt for many backbenchers.

11) No wonder the backbenchers are running around like scared chooks.

12) The questions from even normally troublesome backbenchers to Crosby were supportive.

13) They were aimed at the raft of eager young Labour backbenchers.

14) Both the opposition and backbenchers felt excluded under the new system .

example sentences with backbencher

15) For a backbencher, it has been a remarkable performance.

16) Rudd remained within the government, initially as a backbencher.

17) The Social Credit Board comprised five backbenchers.

18) The premier replaced them with National Party backbenchers.

19) But Tory backbenchers are desperate for him to end the drift.

20) backbenchers can introduce Bills in the following circumstances: 1.

21) Tory backbenchers claimed the Budget was a General Election winner.

22) Whips have historically been brutal to backbenchers to secure their vote.

23) And only his own backbenchers can do that.

24) But it was exasperated Tory backbenchers who sealed his fate.

25) Coalition backbenchers have been having breakouts all over the place.

26) The Chairman of the 1922 Committee sounded out the backbenchers.

27) Vellacott now sits as a government backbencher.

How to use backbencher in a sentence

28) Opposition backbenchers began calling on Kerr to dismiss Whitlam during October.

29) Certain opportunities are given to backbenchers to choose the subject matter for debate.

30) Three backbenchers resigned the party whip.

31) Reynolds remained a backbencher until 1979.

32) Peters remained as a National backbencher, continuing to criticise the party.

33) Costello remained as an opposition backbencher.

34) That is what backbenchers are for.

35) His younger brother, Michael Gonzi, is a Nationalist backbencher.

36) LNP backbenchers were described as unhappy with the appointment and resulting furore.

37) That was when he was a backbencher, but it didn't .

38) Their campaign was taken up in the Commons by backbencher Michael Stephen.

39) Can the Tory leadership shut down the Europe issue and appease its backbenchers?

40) In 1905 the Reid government collapsed and McCay became a backbencher once more.

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