
back to back victory in a sentence

1) Whitesell scored back to back victories in his first two races at Martinsville and Lowe's.

2) However Ed managed to hold on and became the first ever athlete to win back to back victories on Last Man Standing.

3) The Chiefs achieved promotion in the 2009–10 season following back to back victories over Bristol and have remained in the top division of English rugby.

4) April started well for Arsenal, with back to back victories helping them to maintain their position in the Premier League's Champions League qualifications places.

back to back victory example sentences

5) In his letter, Zapatero said that the "three back to back victories of the AK Party is a clear indication of the confidence the Turkish people have in Erdoğan and his administration".

6) The following week, Edwards won the UAW-Dodge 400 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, his first back to back victories since 2005 when he won back to back in Atlanta and Texas.

7) Glory thrashed Adelaide United in the preliminary final and faced Parramatta at Parramatta Stadium to try and go for back to back victories.

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