
back regime in a sentence

1) I certainly do not have fantasy about Western backed regime change bringing material benefits to the masses.

2) American policy was to discourage humanitarian support to the ten month old Vietnamese backed regime in Phnom Penh.

back collocations
3) The murders, carried out by a right-wing death squad, underscore the continuing terror of the U.S.-backed regime.

4) The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and exacted a staunch interpretation of art that stifled creativity in the 1980s during the Soviet backed regime in Afghanistan from 1979-1989.

back regime example sentences

5) In his recent Newsweek feature report, Disaster in Somalia, Ron Nordland has called the US backed regime in Somalia as comprising "drug addled warlords."

6) During the Vietnam War, Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge communists had formed an alliance to fight U.S.-backed regimes in their respective countries.

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